Author's Note

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I started writing EVER SO LIGHTLY four years ago. I was so excited, so ready to jump in and get started. All this time later, having reread MANY times and revised quite a bit, having grown as a reader, a writer, and a person, I've learned so much.

One of the things I learned throughout this process about the book world is that there is a severe lack of diversity. And this is so so apparent in ESL. It's something that has bothered me for a long time now. In revisions I've tried to do better. And part of me is still cringing at that, because I don't like the idea of adding diverse characters after the fact, of adding them just for the sake of being diverse. That still doesn't feel right, and I'm sorry for it.

All of this is to say that while reading this sequel, some character descriptions will have changed, Saria being the most notable. Going forward, I will try so much more to do better, and I can't tell you how appreciative I am for the readers who stuck with me through the messiness of book one. You all are wonderful.

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