Chapter 10- Show time

Start from the beginning

Back in the studio, Luna looked stunning. Even though she was not the prettiest out there in the industry, she was still a good-looking young woman. With her short white dress, she looked refreshing to the eyes, especially in such a beautiful morning, her feet wore flats and she wore simple jewellery. Her makeup was kept natural, adding to the goddess look they were going for. She was pleasant to the eyes.

"You are up in five, four, three, two..."

  Looking at the TV in front of him, the man couldn't help but grin. Biting his lips in anger, the man observed the woman as she sang her last note. With her melancholic and emotional pitch, she left listeners in a trance, but this man in question seemed in agony.

After the scandal from the previous day, he thought he had gotten her. But little could he expect that for the woman the problem in question was not even a problem.

After listening to the song for the second time, he indeed felt guilty. Above all, he felt furious. She was the one who asked for the divorce and now she was singing about pain. They had been together because of a stupid contract. Okay, he couldn't deny that he knew about her feelings, and he never hesitated in playing with them, but still, did she have to make such a big deal out of it.

"Childish." He spoke in anger, grabbing the remote and throwing it far from him. Even angry he still couldn't turn it off.

"Now for the questioning." The man said, after a minute of flattery. Showing a couple of messages on the big screen. " We have all loved your breakthrough. These last songs you created, wrote and produced, are a piece of art. But now the internet is asking. Who is it all about?"

"You are under contract." The man said to the TV as if a warning to the woman.

"Oh, Gabbie. You sure boost my EGO. It's all thanks to Moonlight that I'm able to release such songs." She said giving a free shout out. "As for the question. You put me in a hard spot right there. I'm under a contract, so I can't really say it." She said with a slight smile. Putting a big one in the man's face, of satisfaction.

"Contract?" The man asked confused. " But haven't you ended your contract under Potter Entertainment?"

Derek suddenly, lost track of the conversation. Seeing the woman nod, he felt a chill down his spine. Where was this going?

"Oh, yes." She said with a soft and gentle voice, knitting her brows in confusion. "I have broken up with Potter entertainment. But I can't talk about it because of the divorce agreement."

Although it wasn't obvious for the audience, those close to her knew that behind that mask she was hiding a smile.

Derek rose a couple tones redder in anger. That was once again a breach of contract.

Back at the studio, everyone went silent. It was truly about Derek. Gabbie left a shy smile escape before proceeding. This episode would for sure go viral.

"But can you tell us, at least.  What those songs are about?" Luna nodded her head, with an innocent look she went to her memories, searching for the meaning of those songs. The public couldn't help but think: who would have the heart to cheat in such a woman?

Putting her hands together, Luna sat straight, making her back reach the leather of the sofa. With a soft smile she started.

"Well, the song, both of them, are about a girl. No, they are about a woman. She broke up with her lover. She was hurt, broken, sad, but relieved.  Even though she loved him, he loved another, every day that they were together she suffered, but still, she could never let go. She believed she was happy, even if in the end of the day he was with another. Even if being with him, meant she would give everything away, her pride, her youth, her fame, her family, friends and herself. She tried to become just like the other woman but once she noticed, that no matter how much she tried, she could never become her. She could finally let him go. However, what broke her the most in the end is the fact that he had never even cared about her. She was just a pawn in his game." Luna spoke, proposedly stabilizing her voice so every word could be perfectly heard, but still make each and every single one fragile, in the brink of breaking. With each word, she made sure, life left her eyes. In the end, people felt the need to do the same as she did not to cry, holding their breath as if their pride depended on it.

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