Chapter 7: A Hint Of A Friend

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(The cat is ElkPaw)

Elkpaw led the way as breezy followed close behind. Soon enough both toms say just outside the den, elkpaws eyes flicking from area to area in thought. "You've seen the medicine cats den, as well as our own...lets try the nursery" the creme  colored Tom decided allowed. His words spoken more to himself then to breezy it seemed. Giving a small nod of agreement breezy quickly followed after elkpaw, the Tom's soft paw steps catching the patched Tom's attention. 'What a quite cat ' he remarked, suddenly noticing many others held the same quality. Flicking his ear back  be stumbled into Elkpaw, his chest bumping into the young cats back as he stopped just outside a small bracken of brambles.
    "This here is the nursery, where queen and kits stay" Elkpaw turned to breezy, a warm and welcoming smile sweeping over his features. "Let's say hi" he suggested before plunging into the den, breezy hesitantly following after him. Dipping inside the den the calming sent of milk filled his nose. A steady soft purr being heard as his head whipped to the side. Noticing Elkpaw breezy quickly padded up beside the Tom, coming face to face with a mother and her three kits.
    Quietly she filted her tail, showing three small bundles of fur tucked away into the fluff of her stomach, a small mewl being heard as two pushed against one another. "This is rosekit" the soft lulling voice came from the queen, her tail tip pointing to a small grey and white kit before moving to hover over another. "This here is Creekkit and Nightkit" she continues, flicking over a tiny grey kit and stopping as a rather large black kit. "I'm mintfur" she adds with a small nod, her pink nose twitching as she looks between elkpaw and breezy.
   "I'm breezy...I'm gonna be staying here for a bit" his soft voice speaks out, careful to not disturb the sleeping kits. Elkpaw give a small paw wave to the tiring queen as he ushers breezy away, filling suite to leave. "Now over there is the elder den" elkpaw calls out, pointing to a old hollowed tree where to greying cats laid together before turning to show another bramble made den. "And that's where warriors sleep " the bushy coated Tom finished, seeming satisfied with his tour of camp.
   "Thank you" breezy smiled a thanks, his own body growing heavy with the pull of sleep. Elkpaw seemed to notice and flicked his tail out, pointing to the apprentice den they first met in. "Let's rest" he suggested with a stern look, more telling breezy then asking. Nodding in agreement both Tom's slipping back into the den, breezys eyes landing on dark paw who already seemed to have slipped into sleeps open embrace. Looking to Elkpaw he followed alongside the Tom, careful to side step snowpaws made nest and slipping into his own.
   Settling down within the small walls of moss he settled his head stop his front paws. His body relaxing in happy satisfaction with the small action of laying down. Looking over he noticed Elkpaw give one last smile before he let his eyes slip closed. The Tom's brilliant blue orbs now hidden away as breezy soon followed suite. Quickly the darkness of sleep enveloped breezy. Bringing for welcomed peace as his mind gave way to a empty abyss of black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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