Chapter 5: The decision

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(Cat above is AmberStar)

As more and more clan cats began to gather around Breezy his nervous buzzed with unknown fear. Keeping his eyes casted down he settled his breath, listening to the quite murmurs that spread out around him.
   "My self and OneStep had found this young kittypet out im or forest" OwlStars voice rang out across the sea if cats that sat in the clearing, her eyes flicking down to rest on Breezys lowered head as she flicked her tail behind her. "OneStep and I have decided that he shall rest here untill his injury have recovered" the leaders voice held a hint of something else, something unknown to the tom sitting at the base of the tree.
   Breezy could feel the eyes of those around him boring into his pelt, the toms ears flicking quick down as he looked up to finally meet OwlStars eyes. "Clan meating dismissed" the order ranged out clearly as the soft steady sound of paws could be heard padding away in a steady stream. A small thub echoed out beside breezy, his head flicking to the side as Owlstar landed down beside him, her pale green stare holding his own for a split second. "Onestep will show you to our medicine cat" her eyes narrowed into slits as she turned away, her pelt shining in the dawn light as OwlStar paws carried her away.
   "Im sorry for attacking you" u with a small dip of his head. "It is...okay" he struggled to let the wordd slip past his lips, the tip if his tail twitching in quite distain with the thought of being trapped with all these wild cats.
   Quickly following as Onestep slipepd past Breezy he padded along side the rather large tom" his eyes slipping over the clan cat noticing the resemblance to OwlStar. 'I wonder if they are kin' the thought danced throuh his head as they neared a den, its enreance blocked by hanging vines, the smell of herbs filtering out.
A patched head popped out from thw vines, the cats ears twitching as soft blue eyes landing on OneStep and Breezy. "Hello HeatherTail" the voice of oncestep called out, his tail wavung in a silent hello before they padded closer. "Is this the cat I am meant to fix up?" The medicine cats asked, her voice laced with sarcasm as she tiltes her head, her ears twitching to thw side.
   "Yes, breezy this is our medicine cat HeatherTail." Onestep introduced the she-cat, his eyes flicking between the two before dipping his head in dismissal. Feeling once more alone breezy kepy his eyes casted down, his paws shuffling against the rough forest floor before a softer voice spoke up. "Come on in. Lets look at your shoulder now" she sighed out, restarting back behind the covering of vines as breezy picked himself up, padding inside after HeatherTail.
  Poking his head into the den" the stentch of herbs washed over him, his nose twitching as he shook his head. Trying to clear himself from the overwhelming smells. "Come sit here" the medicine cat flicked her patched tail, pointing to a clearwd spot near a patch of filtered light, her back turned as she sorted through piles of leafs. Breezy complied quietly, his own worried rushing to the surface as his focus shifted to the still bleeding gash that OneStep has given him. 'What a first impression" the though broke through his mind, rising to the top as he let himself get lost in thought, no longer feeling the gripping eyes of those around him.
  "Hold still" HeatherTail voice came out, the feeling of her fur brushing against his own sent chills down the young toms spine, his tail curling up around himself. "It isn't deep. Only large in size" she spoke out, her voice holding relief as her paws spressed atop his shoulder, the sticky feeling od herbs slipped onto his shoulder.
"This should sooth the pain" the mollys voice slipped into his head, breezys eyes slipling open as she pushed forward a small pile of mixed herbs, her nose wrinkling at the smell they put off.

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