chapter 2: The First Step

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(The picture is barren)

A cool nights breeze blew through the quite forest. Its harsh fingers grasping at leafs as it passed, sending many spiraling down onto the freezing forest floor. A soft thud echoed out as a ginger and white tom leap atop the two legs wooden fence, his ears flicking as he listened. His dark emerald eyes casted doubtful glances out to the open stretch of grass that separated himself and the ever daunting forest. Feeling another pair of eyes his head swerved right, looking to another patch of fence connected to his own, another cat sitting silently.
"Hello Barren" the toms voice called out, his paws gliding across the rough fence surface as he strived across, stopping beside his fellow kittypet. "Hello Breezy" barrens rough voice echoed out into the night, the wind picking it up to wash it into nothingness. "I heard your twolegs got another cat?" Breezy kept his voice calm, though excitement coursed through him, making his fur buzz with anticipation at the thought. "That they did. A small kit, merely a few moons old" the older tom rasped out, his torn ear pinning down with annoyance at his own thoughts. "She is quite loud, and the twolegs wont stop putting us together" he complained, his voice catching ahold of its old youthful charm, now long gone. "Awe, they can't be all bad" Breezys words chirped up, his tail flicking back and forth as he urged to hear more of the new cat.
"She is entertaining enough" the old tom gave a curt nod seemingly to himself at the mention of the new arrival to his nest. "The twolegs call her Juniper" he finally looked over to the younger tom beside him with a gentle smile now. "And once she is allowes out I bet she will enioy your company as I do" his voice rose up as the cold leaf bare air began to move once more, making breezy shiver. "Barren" came the lulling call of the old cats twolegs, both his and Breezys head turning as a twoleg kit came rushing from the nest, her arms wide open. Picking up Barren the old tom gave no fuss and she swept him away, retreating back indoors as the sky above began to seep from black to hues or purple. "Goodbye" breezy called before the nest entrance slid shut, his eyes focusing back onto the forets that stretched out before him
Feeling a sudden tug, the tom leap down from his fence, his paws landing on the frozen gound with a gentle thud. Sweeping his tail out it flicked away grass, his paws staying planted where he had landed, his whiskers twitching with silent nerve. "You can do this" The ginger tom assured himself, a small gignle coming from his blue collar, its bell knocking against his chest as he took his first step forward. "Another" he whispered allowed, his paws itching as he took one more step, then another and another. Soon enough breezy stood just outside the forets, his mind wirling with thoughts as its utter silents intrigued and baffled the young tom. A small noise echoed out peeking his curiosity, and breezy leap forward, his paws connecting with the rough bark of a tree root.
"I am here" he said to the silent night, no one there to answers but the trees that sprouted up around him.

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