I look over to Peter. My love for him is indescribable and nothing could tear us apart. I'd be willing to go through anything with him.

"I do."

Rocket comes up in a small vest and tie, holding the rings. I pick up Peter's ring and slip it onto his finger.

"And do you," the priest turns to Peter. "Peter Parker, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"

His eyes linger on me, glimmering as the afternoon sun strikes them. My heart pounds I'm my chest as he smiles proudly at me.

"I do."

Peter slips the ring onto my finger.

"With the power invested in me," he smiles. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Peter spins me around and dips me. Our lips meet, fitting perfectly together. I smile into the kiss and pull him closer, never wanting to let go.

"That's my niece!!!" I hear Thor scream, clapping excessively. Peter and I laugh, pulling apart.

Sweet baby Jesus, I'm married to Peter Parker.

4 more years later...

"Nine... Ten!" I shout as I remove my hands from my face. "Ready or not, here I come!"

A small giggle comes from the closet a few feet away from me and I slowly crawl toward it.

"Mommy's gonna find you!" I say, putting my hand on the doorknob. I whip open the door and laugh. "Gotcha!" I frown when I see no one there.

Suddenly, I'm tackled to the floor by someone. They break into a fit of giggles.

"Peter!" I squeal as he begins to tickle me. Four hands tickle my stomach, feet, and neck. "I thought... We agreed... Not to stick her... To the... Ceiling! Stop! Peter... I'm gonna pee!"

"Keep going, Evie!" He laughs evilly as he lifts us both up. "Tickle mommy, pumpkin!"

"Evangeline!" I laugh, trying to squirm away from the pair. "Attack daddy! He stole your Halloween candy!"

An adorable gasp tumbles out of her mouth as she looks accusingly at Peter. His eyes widen and he sets us both down. I smirk while trying to catch my breath.

"Get him!" I shout, pointing in his direction. Evangeline runs toward him with her little legs and, per my request, bites Peter's leg. He yells and pries her off of him, ruffling her hair.

"It's not nice to bite," he chuckles.

I smile and walk over to the two of them. "Hey E, do you wanna show daddy what we baked today?" She nods excitedly and grabs his hand, pulling him downstairs toward the kitchen.

I follow slowly behind, happily awaiting his surprise.

"C'mon daddy!" She squeals.

After a few seconds of silence, Peter speaks, "If this explodes on my face, I'm going to rub the stuff all over your bed."


"There's just a bun in--" he cuts off immediately before letting out a high-pitched squeal. I stop at the bottom of the stairs as he barrels toward me. He picks me up and twirls me around.

"Are you happy?" I giggle, playing with the curls of his hair.

"Happy? I'm ecstatic!" He shouts, peppering me with kisses.

"You didn't even eat it yet, daddy," E giggles. "I wanna be a baker when I grow up!"

"You're gonna be amazing when you grow up," Peter smiles, picking her up. "You know why?"

"No," she shakes her head, the curls from her father bouncing around her face. Peter points over to me and smiles.

"Because that amazing lady over there is your mother," he says lovingly. "And she is the most extraordinary woman in the entire world."

I pull them both into a hug and kiss Peter's ear, "If this is my price, I'd pay it a thousand time over and over again." He chuckles and pecks my lips.

2 more, more years later...

I peer in to see Evangeline and Kiel, her brother, all snuggled up together in her bed. 

E inherited my hair color but Peter's curls. Her eyes are an entrancing brown and I can already tell just how beautiful she's going to grow to be. Kiel on the other hand, He has dirty blond hair and shimmering blue eyes. Almost like ice, if you ask me. They're both so beautiful.

A strong pair of arms wrapped around my torso and Peter's cologne fills the air. He nuzzles his nose into my hair and sighs.

"You know," he whispers. "One more would be perfect." My face heats up and I turn to face him.

"Are you serious?" I ask as he kisses along my jawline, humming in response. "I love you, Peter... I love you so Goddamn much."

He smiles and connects our lips. Peter picks me up and pulls me into our room. His hands run through my hair, and I gently prod his lip with my tongue. He hesitates for a second, so I quite literally force open his jaw with my hands and insert my tongue. Peter wrap's his tongue around mine, curling around it and feeling every part of my mouth. We fall back onto the bed and I pull away for air.

"Tomorrow, baby," he chuckles. "I'm a bit tired from work. It gets tiring sometimes."

"I still worry about you," I mumble and hug him close. "The villains are more dangerous... You're too important to lose."

"You won't lose me," he plants a small kiss on my head.

"Pinky promise?" I ask.

"Pinky promise," he agrees. "You could never get rid of me."

"I wouldn't think of it," I laugh. I pull the covers over us and rest my head on his chest.

Finally, after a long day of adventures, I fall asleep with my fabulous husband, Peter Parker.

A/N: Goddamn. I'm gonna miss this so much. It has been a pleasure to go through this rollercoaster with you amazing readers. I hope you guys enjoyed this adventure, now go on and read another fanfic. I'm sure you've got a list... 

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