I Can't

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Peter's POV...

We land on the helipad of Avengers Tower. Why here? Jami hops out of the cool Wakandan spaceship thing first and takes off. I quickly follow her, trying to figure out why we'd come here of all places.

"Jami?" I ask, tapping her shoulder. "Why are we here? Mr. Stark sold this to some other people."

"Not all of it," she replies. "He bought some parts of it back when {Y/N} and I arrived."

"But still, why are we here?" I repeat, grabbing her wrist. She yanks it out as she turns to me.

"There's only one place a girl will go when she's heartbroken," she answers. "Her room."


"{Y/N}?" Jami asks as she quietly knocks on the door. We hear some rustling before the door opens to reveal... Deadpool?

"Oh! You're just in time!" he chimes, looking at Jami. "She just passed out, but the gauntlet is next to her. You might want to move it to somewhere more secure. Or give it to Iron Dad." He looks over to me and- smiles? "Boyfriend!" He jumps up and down before tightly embracing me.

"My girlfriend is actually in that room so..." I awkwardly say. 

"Oops," he chuckles, thankfully letting me go. "Well, I need to leave. But don't wake her up, she won't live if she wakes up with help."

"Won't live? What the fu--"


He dashes back into {Y/N}'s room and jumps out of the window. Jami and I both quietly make our way over to the bed, where we can see her figure barely moving. I move closer and watch her chest rise and fall as she breathes.

"Karen?" I ask as I activate my mask again. "I need you to read her injuries."

"Of course, Peter," she responds. "Would you like them least important to most or vice versa?"

"Least to most," I reply a little bit frustrated. 

"Reading injuries now," she says. "She has over two hundred cuts and bruises combined, four first-degree burns, nine second-degree burns, two third-degree burns, her right wrist is sprained, left shoulder has been dislocated, a buckle fracture in her left wrist, ten out of her twenty-four ribs are broken, and she has acquired a mild concussion."

"Holy shit," I mumble, carefully moving a strand of hair out of her face. "It'll be okay, {Y/N}. It'll all be okay..."

"It's not your fault, kid," Mr. Stark says as he leans on the door frame. "She had her choice."

"But if I had just let her stay--"

"Stop trying to place the blame on yourself," he commands. "What happened, happened. You can't change it, so just leave it be. Yes, she's hurt, but you didn't hurt her. Well... Physically."

"I had to make sure!" I shout. My eyes widen and I cover my mouth, staring at him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"It's fine," he smiles. "C'mon. We need to let--"

{Y/N} begins to mumble in her sleep. We all watch her silently and hope this is her waking up. But she begins to scream and sob. In her sleep. I gasp and reach out for her shoulder before Jami harshly grabs my wrist. 

"Remember," she says sternly. "She'll die if you wake her." I turn back to her helpless, thrashing body and sigh. I slowly walk out of the room.

Please, please, pleeeeeeease be okay. I can't lose you again {Y/N}...

[To add on to the last author's note, don't worry. I'm even going to make another book, but this time more centered around Tom than Peter.]

Price of A Wish (Peter Parker/ Tom Holland x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora