One Wish

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DISCLAIMER: I am aware that a lot of this book does seem like Wrong World, and while that book did give me the idea, I'm taking this my own way. I don't intend to steal any of Neko's ideas and I will steer this in my own direction when the time is right. Once that happens, there be very little similarities. Thanks, For reading this.

Your Potato

Now to the story.

I wake up to my alarm clock screaming in my ear. I slam my hand on the stupid box, cursing the person that invented it. Sitting up, I look at my calendar. It's my birthday... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I jump out of bed and get dressed in whatever outfit I can find.  I'm wearing a cropped white tank that bears an infinity sign with "love" in one of the curves, some high waisted jean shorts with a few rips, a thin black bandana with white spots, and teal converse. 

I brush my hair into two space buns at the top of my head and hum quietly to myself. Jami, my best friend, is taking me out today. I don't know where, but she told me last night to be ready at eight. Wanting to feel extra good, I put on some mascara, foundation, and cherry lipgloss. My doorbell rings, giving me my cue to leave.

"Mrs. Fran!" I shout into the quiet house. "I'm going with Jami!"

"Happy Birthday!" she yells in return.


"I'm so happy!" I squeal while digging my nails into my best friend's arm. She winces but doesn't say anything. It's my birthday after all so Jami can't complain about me.

"When did you wake up?" she asks, probably concerned about my well being for once.

"At approximately seven fifty AM," I answer, practically bouncing off the walls. 

"When did I pick you up?" she continues. 

"Eight AM, on the dot," I reply, removing my hands from her arm. 

"You didn't eat, did you?" she sighs. I giggle and nod. "Well, let's go somewhere. I'll get you something."

"Free food?!" I gasp. "You're the best!" I jump onto her side, squeezing her in the world's tightest hug. She grunts and rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," she mumbles, smiling. Translation: I love you too. We walk a few more blocks in our small town until we find the famous Teal Time Cafe. Honestly, my favorite place to eat. It's got sweets and meals and entrees galore! 

"There are so many cupcakes..." I whisper in awe. I'm staring at the display on the counter, drooling over the sweet treats. "Can I get that one?" I point to a red velvet one. The top is covered with a creamy white frosting with small sprinkles scattered all over.

"Sure," Jami chuckles. We walk up to the counter and buy it. We sit down at one of the tables and she takes something out of her pocket. A candle and matches.

"You didn't," I challenge. She smirks and tilts her chin up.

"I did," she counters, gently placing the candle into the frosting. When the man at the counter isn't looking, she strikes the match and lights the candle. 

Jami puts the match out and throws it in a nearby trashcan. I stare at the flame, mesmerized by its movement. Jami sits back down and stares expectantly at me.

"Well? Blow it out already!" she encourages. I close my eyes and wish for the one thing I really want. 

I wish to go to a world that's worth living in. A world where I can help. Where I can make a difference. A world with my heros.

I open my eyes and softly blow out the flame. Jami smiles and laughs at my childish expression.

"What did you wish for?" she asks. 

"You'll just have to wait and see," I tease. 

While I eat my cupcake, Jami tells me how she's dreading sophomore year. I silently agree, still thinking about my wish. I finally finish eating and throw the small wrapper away. Wiping my face with a napkin, I walk over to the front door. Jami stands behind me, probably wondering what I'm waiting for. 

"I have a good feeling about today," I say. She looks at me, confused, but shrugs her shoulders.

I open the glass door, but instead of walking out, Jami and I are hit by a bright light. We fly backward and hit something hard. When I open my eyes, I see Jami lying unconscious to my left. This is not the cafe. It looks like we're surrounded by some concrete rubble. My head is throbbing, but I try to find a way out. 

"Hello?!" I shout, trying to get someone's attention. Jami mumbles something like she's finally coming to. I shake her, trying to get her awake. "Wake up you dumbass! We're about to be crushed to death!" She slowly opens her eyes, obviously confused. 

"Where...?" she mumbles. 

"I-I don't know," I answer. "But we need to get out of here before anything falls." She sits up and nods, rubbing her neck. The block above our heads is so low that we have to crouch. Suddenly, I hear something being shot and other voices.

"Hello?!" I yell, trying to get their attention. Up ahead, someone moves a large piece of concrete, allowing light to flood the dark, cramped space.

"Is anyone in there?" asks a young voice. It sounds familiar.

"Y-Yeah!" I answer, extremely thankful that someone found us. "My friend and I are trapped!"

"Okay, um, hold on to your friend!" they instruct. I link my arm with Jami's, hoping the rubble won't fall. Something hard hits my chest, then I'm jerked forward. Jami is brought with me, both of us clinging to the other. We're brought out into the light, which I suppose is from the sun. 

I lay on my stomach, my arm still linked with Jami's. I groan and push myself up. 

"I found someone!" the person yells. 

"Careful," a different voice says. This one is also familiar. "It could be Hydra agents." Why is he talking about Hydra? That isn't even a real thing.

I squint up at the people. Jami must recognize them earlier because she gasps and punches my arm. My eyes come to focus and I can finally see who's standing in front of us. 

The Avengers.

"Oh... shit," I whisper.

Price of A Wish (Peter Parker/ Tom Holland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now