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After a long and hard debate, I have decided the way this will go...

Thanos will...

Lose. Congrats to those who chose that, but for those of you that did not, I plan to put part of the other ending in this story as a sneak peak of sorts. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do!

Nine days until my birthday...

I can't deal with sharks. You know what I can deal with? Stingrays. The very creature I'm about to swim with. Jami, however, is... having a harder time.

"Oh come on {Y/N}," Jami whines. "You skipped skydiving, why can't we skip this?"

"I only skipped skydiving because I was too lazy to look for an opening," I counter. "Plus, I found an opening once I got the motivation. We're going tomorrow."


"No buts," I interrupt, mocking her from the sharks. "Butts are for sitting on. Now get your butt over here and look at the stingrays."

"What if they sting me and I die?" she complains, slowly making her way over.

"Then I'll avenge you or whatever," I roll my eyes. "Hurry up!"

Reluctantly, she finally walks over to me, whimpering anytime one of the stingrays swim by her. I snicker and watch as she almost falls.

The animal trainer people are watching her carefully, ready to save her at any given moment. I look down and see one of the rays only a few feet from me. I put my hand in the water and the creature swims over to me, brushing its back against my fingertips.

"So smooth," I chuckle.

"{Y/N}!" Jami cries. "{Y/N}, there's like, twenty of them. Can we go? I want to leave."

"Five more minutes," I say.

"One, two, three," she begins. "Four, five, six, seven..."

I laugh, shaking my head. "At least pet one."

She shakes her head rapidly and continues to count.

"Jami told me she wasn't afraid of anything," Peter says, causing me to jump and scare some of the rays away.

"Shit, Peter," I mumble.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "Did I scare you?"

"Yes. Yes, you did," I roll my eyes. "At least you didn't do it when the sharks were near me."

"Sharks?" he asks.

"I'll tell you when I get back," I shrug it off.

"About that..." he trails.

"What?" I ask worriedly.

"I won't remember these talks when you come back, I won't even know you came back."

"Why?" I ask, ignoring Jami as she asks me what I'm talking about.

"It's-- explain," he says. "Talk-- bye!"

"Bye?" I say, but it comes out more like a question than anything else.

"Are you okay?" Jami asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I think so..." I murmur. "Let's go back home."

"But I haven't gotten to five minutes," she says.

"So you like the stingrays?" I smirk, placing my hands on my hips. Her eyes widen and her face turns red.

"Wh-what?!" she exclaims. "N-No! Why would-- That's-- No. They're awful."

One swim next to her and she reaches her hand over to pet its smooth surface.

"So cute," she mumbles.

"Awful, huh?" I snicker. "You should tell Haz about this."

"Oh shut up," she glares at me before giggling at the stingrays surrounding her.

Only two things on my list and eight more days to go...

Price of A Wish (Peter Parker/ Tom Holland x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin