Missing Your Smile

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I sit up in a familiar state: Crying, drenched in sweat, and body aching. Someone in front of me stands, shifting the weight on the bed which causes me to groan. They quickly run out of my room, but before they do, they place something besides me.

My eyes finally adjust to the light and I reach over to the side, only to scream when pain shoots throughout my left side. I hear many footsteps approach the door.

"{Y/N}?" I hear a woman's voice ask.

"Fr-Friday? Is that-- Fuck," I cry out when I put too much pressure on my left arm. "Is that you?"

"N-No... It's Nat," she replies. "I'm coming in... okay?"

"Be m-my guest," I stammer, trying to find a comfortable way to rest my arm.

The door opens just enough to let the, now, blond woman in. She slowly makes her way toward me before carefully sitting on the corner of my bed.

"Do you remember... anything?" she hesitantly asks. "From your nightmare?"

"Peter..." I murmur. "He died... again. And Jami-- She... But then he took me away. He made me forget!" I begin to cry, trying to erase the dream. "I forgot everyone! He--"

"Hey, hey, hey," she soothes, petting my hair. "It's okay."

We sit in silence for a while.

"What happened to my arm?" I ask quietly ask, holding my breath.

"You're still human," she laughs. "You couldn't possibly handle all six Infinity Stones without some repercussions. It's completely healed, but the pain is going to linger for a few more days."

"Okay..." I mumble, looking out the window. Carefully, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and, shakily, stand. Nat helps balance me and walks with me over to the large window. As I had thought, I see a flash of red and blue swinging around the buildings.

"They announced Peter as being Spider-Man yesterday," Nat says, glancing at me.

"How long was I out this time?" I ask, watching him flip and occasionally stop.

"Only a few... weeks," she replies. "Jami told us that you had intense nightmares. That you would scream in your sleep. And Tony bought this floor of the tower back. Thankfully the people that bought it hadn't gotten to it yet."

"Never could trust her," I smile, looking at her. "Has Peter ever, you know... visited me?"

"He was the first one you saw when you woke up," she laughs. "He actually left you a little gift on the table over there. Want me to get it?"

"Yes, please," I nod, leaning my back against the window. Bad choice. My back begins to burn and I wince, trying to hold back a sob. Nat helps me sit down before going to retrieve the small present. She quickly comes back holding a box the size of my hand. After settling next to me, she lifts the lid off to reveal a small necklace.

The exact same necklace Peter got me.

I take a small note away from the box and begin to read it with teary eyes.

Dear {Y/N},

  Since I don't usually write, you must be finding it strange to get a letter from me. But, all of a sudden, I felt this immense urge to confess how good it felt to love you and how great all the affection that surrounded us was, even when you're not right there by my side.
You know, loving you and being loved by you is the best feeling I've ever experienced in my life. With you, I feel happy and strongI feel free, I feel safe to make decisions, take directions, knowing that I'm only doing what's best for us both. I always miss you terribly, but I know that we will one day be together again. Making the same lame jokes and complaining about homeworkYour absence agonizes and hurts me, everything I see, hear or do reminds me of you. The flower shop in the corner: the chair at the restaurant, empty, the ice-cream shop, where we spent so many sweet moments, the pillow where I found a string of your hair...everything reminds me of you, everything reinforces the sensation of loss. The loss I feel when you are away. But there is something that hurts me too much: looking at your picture and seeing you smile. If you knew how much I miss that timid smile that was always upon your lips, you'd come back as soon as possible, and as soon as you got here you'd realize how much I love you. 


Peter Parker

"Nat... Could you help put the necklace on?" I ask quietly. Within seconds, I feel the familiar cool metal resting against my collarbone. I smile and look down at my hands that lay in my lap.

"Does this mean you forgive him?"

"I forgave him the seconds the words left his mouth," I reply, fixing my gaze back onto her. She smiles and helps me stand up. "Where--"

"Peter and Tony made you something," she interrupts. "Let's go! It'll be great." Nat brings me a wheelchair, which I gratefully sit in, and wheels me into the living room. Almost every hero is sitting on the couch, watching T.V. and talking amongst themselves.

"Guys?" Nat clears her throat, which causes everyone to quiet down and stare at the two of us. Jami stands up and Father stand up, watching our every move. 

"Jeez, don't everyone jump at me at once, will ya?" I sadly smile, brushing my hair out my eyes with my goodish right arm. They all begin to cheer and rush over to me, asking how I felt and all that. I look up and over everyone toward Jami, asking her the silent question that I'm too shy to actually ask out loud.

Is he here?

She frowns and shakes her head solemnly. I sigh and turn back to everyone else, a hurt smile plastered on my face. 

"Does Lady {Y/N} want pop tarts?" I hear Thor shout from the kitchen.

"Yes, please!" I reply, relaxing back into the chair. "Don't burn them!"

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