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Three days until my birthday...

Peter hasn't contacted me at all. His message sounded really important, but I didn't let him talk. So now, I'm just waiting for him while Jami and I talk about how we're going to prepare.

"We need weapons," she says, writing down on the small piece of paper in her hands. "Maybe we should just bring bookbags."

"Sure," I shrug. "And popcorn."



"Why the hell would we bring popcorn?"

"To watch the movie in super realistic 3-D."


"It'll be hard to change the storyline so we might as well enjoy the show."

"That makes no sense."

"It makes perfect sense to me."


"Moving on," I interrupt. "You know we can't bring other living beings with us, right?"

"What do you mean?" she asks. 

"Like..." I pause. "You can't bring Pip. Or Haz." She freezes, an unreadable expression on her face. I feel guilty but at the same time, I need her to give him up for me. It's like a lose-lose feeling. I don't want her to leave her boyfriend, but I need her to leave him so I can be reunited with my boyfriend. 

"So... I'll never see Haz again?" she whispers. 

"If... If you really want to stay--"

"But then I'll lose you!" she shouts. I give her a sad smile.

"There will still be the actor me," I soothe. "She can be your best friend. And it's not like I'm irreplaceable. That way you can have your boyfriend and your best friend."

"What about you?" she asks. 

"Me?" I chuckle. "I'll just save him on my own."

"No," she states.

"No?" I repeat, tilting my head to the side as a way to show my confusion. 

"I'm going with you," she says. "But after we save the universe, I'm coming back on my birthday."

"But what if we don't save them?" I whisper.

She doesn't say anything for a while.

"{Y/N}," Peter's voice causes me to jump, which scares Jami and causes her to jump, which scares Pip and causes him to jump.

"Fucking hell, Peter," I gasp. 

"Sorry, but this is important," he says matter of factly. "You told me I turned to dust, right?"

"Right..." I murmur.

"Well, that was the price," he adds. 

"What do you mean price?" I ask, sending Jami a questioning glance.

"As I said before," he sighs. "For every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction."

"What does that have to do with you dying?"

"No! Shuri, I need more time!"

"Peter, what's going on?" I ask.

"I'm-- not-- go-- sorry!" he disappears once again.

"Dammit," I mutter, shaking my head. "He's gone again."

"We will save him," she declares, rubbing my shoulder. "And then I'll come back to Harrison while you live your perfect little life in Queens, okay?"


Price of A Wish (Peter Parker/ Tom Holland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now