I think that she's the first one out. Yay! More people for me to kill-I mean get out. Yeah that. Hehehe.


I'm not playing this stupid game. I will only get my hair messed up with something gross. Like water.

Just kidding I already got Perrie and Bridget out. Now to get Marci,Brooklyn,and Dani. This is a lot easier than I thought. Watch out girls DJ Malik is on the loose. (A/N I'm such a carrot sometimes.)

I was in my room when I felt something heavy on my back. I turned around to see a short figure at the doorway. Brooklyn.

" You're out Zayn . To the dungeon you go." I glared at her as I walked to the basement. Stupid game.

After the game....


"We won,we won, we won, !" I shouted in the boys faces . I am such a good friend and fiancé .

"Boys quit pouting it makes you look like you're bad losers. Oh wait you are." I said while running around them since they were all standing in a circle.

They looked at the ground so I started to feel bad. A little bit though.

"Fine. I'll get you guys some ice cream sundaes. " I have to admit they were good. Just not good enough. Hehehe.

" Promise? " They all gave me the puppy dog eyes. Ugh how could you say no to these faces?! Especially Ni's and Li-Li's. Ugh it's like they want to kill me with cuteness.

" Promise." They gave me a death hug. Not going to lie but I think I'm losing oxygen. I love my family. My dysfunctional second family.

Destiny ----

I watched as the doctors took me to a room that was all white. I think it's those rooms they put crazy people in. The soft ones. They tested me and came up with nothing. To be on the safe side they put me in here. Christa's Medical Center For Troubled Kids.

Mom and dad had a choice to let me go back home but they were worried about me being outside. I have anger issues and I have trouble with being close to 'certain' people. So I'm staying here 'till they say I can leave. I honestly regret what I did.

I don't even know why I did that. I'm so stupid. That's why my parents officially disowned me. They said once I can leave they're putting me up for adoption. Heck I even miss my own sisters birthday.

I'm allowed to have contact to the outside world by text and videos. Only around a nurse though. I haven't talked to anyone yet. I'm basically alone. Forever.

"Destiny it's time for lunch sweetheart. " I stood up and followed my favorite nurse, Tori out. She's beautiful. I sometimes feel out of place because she's so pretty. She used to be a model. She quit because her sister was diagnosed with lung cancer.. 
We entered the cafeteria and she got me some food. She had to leave to get her own lunch. She said she got me a treat though . I wonder what it is?

I was sitting at a table when a boy who looked about my age sat down next to me.

"Hi, my name is Ricky. You looked sad so I wanted to help. " He has this thin Mexican accent. It was so cute.

" I'm Destiny. What are you here for? " He looked at the floor disappointment written all over his face.

" I murdered someone. " I looked at him shocked.

" Who? "

" My............ "


Cliffhanger!! Ricky is an important person. So keep him in mind while you read the next couple of chapters.


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