
400 9 1
                            's rubbish



Karma 💔💢: hey

Karma💔💢: open up

'what the heck?'

Karma💔💢: I'm at your door

Karma💔💢: it's raining, and I cooooold

 me: did you actually just seriously just follow me to my house?

A sound of thunder rang and your front door was pretty much being attacked


"Hey! Please! It's freezing!" you could here his muffled voice

You walked downstairs slowly ignoring the knocking, staring at your phone with tired eyes, unlocking the front door with your key and opening it, making way for him to enter.

"y/n-" you pushed him back before he could step off the red mat in front of the door for drying feet.

"I know my house is already messy, but, if you mess it up more I will kill you." You said glaring at him. He couldn't do anything, he just let out a weak laugh with an awkward smile to go with it as he stood by the open door

You went upstairs bringing out a shirt too big for you, but slightly baggy for him, you brought some track bottoms and boxers too, then took a white towel out of your clean laundry basket. You put all of them all on your bed and went to the boiler to turn on the hot water and radiators.

You made your way downstairs and looked at him signalling him to take his shoes and socks off, before closing the door behind him and dragging him upstairs to your bedroom

"there's a fresh change of clothes and a towel. Have a shower dry up and come down. The bathroom is literally the door there. It's connected to my room. I was going to have some PG tips tea and shortbread. Do you have a different preference in tea?" You said as he entered your room and starting to take off his shirt after dropping his iPhone on your bed.

"Green Tea please...hey isn't PG tips and English brand of tea?"

"yeah, I grew up liking English tea....cos I'm English. I'm pretty sure I mentioned I'm not Japanese before."

"right" he said then taking off his trousers. Realising he was pretty much naked with you staring at him you quickly turned around and walked out closing the door behind you.

___time skip__

You took another piece of shortbread from the package and dipped it in your tea. This time the shortbread had chocolate in it, "why is it so good?" you said as you bit into the now soft shortbread. Looking at the clock you realised it had been 45 minutes already.

'it doesn't usually take him this long to get ready" you said as you walked upstairs to your room opening the door without caution.

"oh Fuuuuuuuuuuu-" you just continued as you walked up to him taking your things out of his hand and throwing a towel around him.

You saw him naked

And he actually had a big one...

You went light headed for a second and closed your eyes

"Ok, so you find the time to rummage through my things, but don't find the time to put on some clothes." Your fingers and thumb pressed against the bridge of your nose stressed, "boy. Listen up. Stop going through my pictures and-"

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now