What the fudge is wrong with me? - A/N+ bonus

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how many months have I not been on?

I haven't been on anything

my Amino

my Discord

My snapchat (I uninstalled that without warning my friends)

my WhatsApp

my ...my




you walked into the café isogai was working at with an annoying red head following beind you

"Soo, why are you here again?"

"I wanted to see who you where meeting up with. y'know, my rival in love?" your breath hitched and you walked faster to the staff door of the café, your little flinch, didn't go unnoticed and Karma used that to his advantage

what he wanted more than anything right now

was to...

make you blush.


"hahaha. that's adorable. I've never seen this side of (y/n)" Said maehara over Nagisa.

"Yeah, she might as well be a genuine angel." Okajima, commented, watching the video on Nagisa's phone.

Nagisa was showing a few of his classmates a video of you doing cute and adorable things like laughing and blushing a lot. you were taken to an animal centre for your birthday which was filled with puppies, kittens and more. you got to play with them all.

first were the puppies, but you had no idea what was going on. you were blindfolded up to when you were in the room and the puppies touched your face, the video on Nagisa's phone was on full

"Ok, am I sitting on the floor?" you asked, making sure you didn't trip on anything

"Yeah, be careful not to fall flat on your butt." Nagisa said, one hand with his phone, and the other hand intertwined with yours. he helped you sit down and let go of your hand.

"ok now guess what these objects are" he said as all the puppies of every breed were released unto you.

"holy crap, that's a lot of puppies" Maehara said wide eyed, "looks like more than 20? 25? 30? freaking heck man, she's being trampled" going back to the video you're smiling like a crazy woman laughing loads and rolling about hugging as any puppies as possible

"PUPPIES! Oh my gosh it's a corgi, and a Greyhound! and omg, i don't even know all these species, but I love them!" you said whilst playing tug of war with one of the puppies. they had decided to grab the blindfold you took off and try to steel it.

"There are also loads of toys you can use to play- oh no! stop!! don't pee!!!" one of the dogs went next to Nagisa to pee. He dodged yes....but no one thinks about how the floor feels in situations like this. One of the workers moved the dog to the side whilst putting a cloth on the wet patch.

The Sadistic Pair (Karma x reader) (slight remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now