Chapter 16 - GBG and SURPRISE!

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The next morning I saw Evan's hand wrapped around me, I slowly took them off and decided to go downstairs. There I saw Emília which she was cooking, I made my way over to her and sat down on the chair.

"Morning, Y/N! How'd you sleep?" She asked, still making breakfast. We talked for a while then we heard Smii7y come downstairs.

"Morning my buttercup! Morning Y/N" He waved at us he made his way over to Emília and kissed her on the head making her smile.

"When are your friends coming?" She asked him, he looked at his phone then set it down.

"In a few minutes, it depends on them" He said then we heard the door bell ring, Smii7y went to open the door and smiled. We saw a guy with whiteish hair and he came in.

"Guys this is Kryoz or John" Emília smiled and went over to him and hugged him.

"John my boy! How are you brother?" She asked and then they talked, Smii7y decided to finish the food and then served us food. Smii7y showed John his room. Then we saw Evan come downstairs, damn he's cute when he's tired.

"Morning, what's there to eat?" He asked, I served him some and he gladly took it. We all ate then the door bell ringed again, wonder who it is this time. Smii7y opened the door and saw three guys.

"Guys this is Swagger, Mason and Toby. Hey where's Fitz?" Smii7y introduced us to them then asked them.

"He'll be here soon" The masked man said, guessing its SwaggerSouls.

"Guys this is Emília, my girlfriend, Y/N and Evan" They shook our hands and we greeted each other, then we heard the door bell ring again, that must be that guy Fitz right?

Smii7y opened the door to reveal a tall guy, fuck he's tall as hell.

"And lastly this is the giraffe and father figure, Fitz or Cameron" Smii7y introduced us to him, he waved at us then looked at me but looked away.

"Alright boys, I only have 2 more rooms so you have to share" Smii7y told them, they decided that Mason with Fitz, and Swagger with Toby. I decided to go and change but stumbled upon the tall guy, Fitz was it?

"Oh hey, I never heard your name" He told me, I told him my name and he just nodded, we talked a bit until I had to go to my room to change.

I got out and went downstairs to see everyone there, they were all laughing and chatting about some PAX convention that happened, I went towards Evan then he wrapped his arm around me.

"They said we might go bowling, is that ok with you?" He whispered to me which I just nodded to.

"Y/N! You ready to go bowling? Hope you're good" Emília came up to me and smirked, I was decent but not the best out there. I got my coat and so did Evan, now how the hell will we fit in the car?

Smii7y and Emília were in the front. Evan, me, Swagger and Fitz. While Mason and Toby were in the back. I was sitting on Evan's lap.

"Who wanna listen to some music?" Emília got the aux and put some music on, the guys sang their heart out to the songs Emília put which made me laugh. We arrived at the place then we went inside.

After a few minutes we finally got a place and shoes to bowl on. First it was Smii7y.

"YEET!" He tossed the bowling ball to the pins and hit all except one, he tried again and got the last one. Then it was Emília, she did the same and missed three of them but missed the second time.

Now it was my turn, just focus on the middle. I tossed it and prayed to get at least one. To my surprise I got all of them.

"Wooo!! That's my baby!" I heard Evan then he picked me up making me squeal, he set us down on the couch then it was Mason's turn.

"Alright cunts this is how you do it!" He tossed it but it went to the side and he got none, we all laughed but he just went to sit down feeling ashamed of the toss.

"THIS is how you do it" Swagger went up next and got the ball then tossed it but it was too high up and it hit the ceiling, breaking a part of it. Everyone died of laughter.

"Great job retard" Mason said in between his laughs, we all had fun and decided to eat, we got a big pizza and everyone got a slice.

"Are you enjoying your time?" Evan asked me and I nodded, this was amazing, the most fun I've had since forever honestly. Our two weeks in Smii7y's house were over and everyone was leaving.

"I hope you come back again! I'll text you!" Emília hugged me then Evan and I left to the airport, as always I fell asleep.

"Baby... Wake up!" I heard someone which woke me up, we were finally home, we got out of the plane and did everything we had to do after all that, Evan drove me home.

"I'll be back, just need to unpack my stuff" I nodded then I went to the front door, I ringed the bell. After a few minutes my mom opened the door and she had the biggest grin. She dragged me in and hugged me.

"Woah what happened?" I told her and she gave me a note. I grabbed the paper and read through it.

"Guess who beat cancers ass?"

I gasped, she had tears in her eyes.

"You're cancer free?" She nodded then I hugged her, crying from happiness.

"Also I have another surprise" I heard footsteps coming from the stairs then I saw who it was. Beverley.

"Hey.." She said, my mom left to her room to give us some privacy.

"Hey" I crossed my arms.

"Listen.. I know you're mad and you have every right to be mad... yeah I know I sent those pictures out but I'll make it up to you!" I thought for a second, what shall I do?

"Well I don't know of one but I met your favorite youtubers" She gasped.

"The Gay Baby Gang!?" She exclaimed, I nodded which she sighed to.

"Dammit, well at least you had fun, if you ever have an idea to get revenge on me then that's totally fine" She said, an idea popped up.


"Why do we have to do this?" She sighed, I laughed then got the nerf gun ready, I had a fake gun that shot little balls that hurt like a bitch.

"Ready? One two.." I decided to shoot her earlier and she screamed, she told me to stop which I did.

"Lesson learned to never fuck with you" She laughed, we went back inside and she helped me unpack my bags. I texted Evan to tell him that Beverley and I were good now. It took a lot to convince him that she was good but he just said ok.

"Since it's about to be 2019 we should look fancy and rock that year!" Beverley said which I nodded to. School was starting back up tomorrow and I couldn't wait, finally made up with my friend, made new ones and everything was back to normal, who wouldn't ask for this life?



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