Chapter 7 - News

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"I love you, Y/N" He leaned in, before you knew it, you two were kissing. You were kissing my fucking teacher, who is supposedly your boyfriend too. How did you two get here? You were just having a normal day at school, trying to pass Senior year.

Both of you pulled apart, looking at each other. He smiled while you were trying to process what just happened.

"See you tomorrow at school" You nodded, he smirked then left. You returned to your house, seeing your mom with a big smile on her face.

"I like that guy, but how can you two keep that secret? I'm afraid someone may find out" You shrugged as you sat down with her.

"I'm scared mom, but I actually love him. Well.. I'm still trying to believe him that he won't do anything to me.. Ugh fuck my ex" My mom hugged you.

"He's rotting in jail, you just focus on your man now" She tried comforting you which it did.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks mom" She smiled at you then decided to just watch some movies, you loved your bond, she helps yoy and you help her.

"How would you feel if I had something so bad it could lead to death?" Why was she asking that? You were so unsure of that question.

"Cry and try to help, why?" She paused for a moment and muted the TV.

She handed you her phone revealing a text. The person who sent it was calles "Doctor" you were now more unsure about this.

Ms. L/N, we are sorry to say this but the tests came in and it says that you have stage 1 cancer. You will still have a chance and still need to take your medicine. If you have any questions please text me or visit our hospital.

You looked at your mom, tears swelling up.

"You have cancer..?" Your voice cracking a bit, how could your own mother not tell you?

"I'm so sorry.. I didn't want you to worry, I still have a chance to survive but it's rare to survive this" She then cleaned your tears with her thumb. She was crying too but was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?! This isn't a good thing, I may lose you!" Her smile disappeared and sighed. She pulled you in for a hug then rubbed your back.

"It's OK, try to have hope in me" You two pulled apart and you already saw some of her hair fall off.

"Your hair.." She nodded, knowing what you meant.

"I'm going to shave it off since it is going to get off anyways" You just nodded.

"Let's get some rest.. You have school tomorrow" You both left to your own rooms and slept. You could barely sleep because of what just happened.


You walked to school, making sure to check on your mom before leaving. You entered the school and hurried up to your first period, what were you going to tell Evan and Beverley?


You went to your second period which the teacher was your boyfriend. The only thing you hated about yourself is you showed your emotions too much or lied horribly.

You saw Evan, forcing a smile and went to your seat. Evan decided to move you to the front so you could "see" better. Oh how he lied but you didn't mind. At least he moved Beverley with you.

Beverley entered the class with the same smile as always, you wished you were that happy but couldn't force yourself to even give a real smile.

"Hey Y/N! Ready to leave school already and graduate" You nodded, not wanting to say anything.

"You OK? You haven't texted me or talked last night and right now" You told her it was nothing but she got concerned.

"Did he do something because I swear I will beat his ass-" You cut her off saying it wasn't him.

"I'll tell you later" Your voice cracking slightly, she frowned but nodded anyways.

He looked at you with worried eyes, you were very quiet today. You were so happy last night but it suddenly changed. Did something happen at home?

He gave you a note making you read it.

'Talk to me after class'

Guess you have to tell two people now.


I finally updated :)

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

The Teacher - Vanoss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now