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When I touched Austin's muscular back I remembered what it felt like to be with him. I remember sleeping with him was the greatest thing ever, he was the only guy I slept with. I never slept with Justin or any other guy! Austin; my bestfriend, my first real love and my only love I've ever had.

"How are you?" He asked me when I touched the hurting spot.

"I'm fine, how are you?"

Austin rolled over and my hands ended up on his abs. He was still in pain but I know he wanted to look at me.

"Veronica, do you even remember me?" Austin spreader his arms over me.

"Yes austin, I know what we had. It didn't work out....."

"You know you said you still loved me. Is that true?" Austin ps sparkly eyes looked deep into my soul.

"Austin!" I closed my eyes and screamed.

"I know you're going to smile." austin knew me damn well to know I was about to smile after that.

"Stop. Why are you such an asshole!" I smirked and told him to turn around so I can massage him.

"You know I'm okay, Ronnie. The drop wasn't that bad." He chuckled.

"You made me run after you at the crack ass of dawn to chase your punk ass to fake this shit, are shitting me?!?" I opened my eyes and turned serious.

He sat up and we started arguing about everything and he tackled me with a kiss and told me he still loved me too.

"Did you miss this?" I pulled back smiled at him.

"Indeed." Austin continued moving my hair and slipping his hands down my back. I knew it wasn't the right time to be making out with austin especially since Alexis was probably going to walk in on us. I don't even know how to react to this whole situation.--- we started arguing and yelling even more.

"Okay austin, listen here!" I pulled back and made him sit in a chair so I could tell him something serious. "I've been waiting almost 10 years for you and I can't believe I'm saying shit like this but i loved you for A HELL OF A LONG TIME, and I'm glad we 'worked things out' just now but it didn't settle thing how I wanted it too."

Austin hushed and told me something I've been waiting to hear.

"Veronica, Ronnie, babe, whatever I used to call you I loved you and I still really love you! You are the best thing in my life that's happened to me, that album was for you. Every time I was in the studio, at a venue, anywhere i traveled to was to find a new love or partner in crime but I never found anyone, my thoughts were always back to you. You're my other half, ((he pulled out the keychain he gave me the other half that one Christmas)) I kept this with me everywhere I went, you probably don't have yours anymore and I don't blame you. I'm sorry for no contact when I moved to Miami, I'm sorry for heartaches I've caused, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed someone, and I'm sorry for every type of pain I've cause you to have. I'm sorry Veronica! But I'm just going to say I'm totally up for you to come back in my arms because my heart races when I see you, in magazines, on tv, even in my dreams, I get butterflies. So I want to say I loved you since we met at six flags and I spilt sprite all over you! Veronica rose Marx, will you be my girlfriend again?!" Austin got up and waited for my answer.

"Austin!" I yelled, I was pissed that he didn't say any of this before. There were so many times we could've apologized to each other but honestly I was lightweight missing his hugs and kisses and he was right; I did have heartaches and pains when I wasn't with him. He was my other half.

"Veronica." Was all he said, he started to walk a few steps the other way and I didn't want to ever end our relationship.

"Well damn, any guy who has a big heart and courage to say something like this to me after ten years.... Is going to get second chance. Yes I'll be your girlfriend again," I hugged austin and kissed his cheek. "You still owe me for the years that's gone by!"

Loving you is easy {continued 'summer love'}Where stories live. Discover now