Who Is Agent Otis? (Otis x Olympia)

Start from the beginning

"I didn't partner! I mean, technically I did, but it's not what you think. I- Wait this must be a dream. All I have to do is wake up," Otis spoke, pinching himself like he had seen Olympia do when they were overwhelmed as maintenance workers for a day. "Ow!" Okay, definitely not a dream, but for sure worse than any nightmare.

"You're coming with us," demanded Xena, Xavier grabbing both of Otis's arms as he forced them behind his back.

As the male agent was led off, his pleas traveling behind him, all Olympia could do was keep her arms crossed as all the information sunk in. Otis was gone, but he also wasn't who she thought he was.

It was a few weeks later, and Olympia had not been her perky self ever since that terrible day.

"Hey, Olympia. Want to help me test out some new gadgets," Oona asked softly, trying to cheer her up.

Olympia silently shook her head as she replied out of the blue, "I just... I never thought he would do something like this. He betrayed me, and the whole squad. If only he had never made that odd bomb, then maybe I could believe he changed."

"Wait, did you say, odd bomb," Oona inquired, her friend nodding her head silently. All of a sudden the female scientist's face had paled.

"What is it, Oona," Olympia wondered.

"Nothing! Nothing at all," the brunette awkwardly claimed, also walking backwards. "I just have to... bye!" She then raced off, Olympia following her troubled friend.

"It all makes sense..." Oona trailed off after she had done a bit of research.

"What makes sense," Olympia hesitantly asked.

Oona sighed as she realized there was no use in hiding the newfound discovery. "Jamie Jam was the one who created the odd bomb, but she needed someone to put it in headquarters. Only agents have access to the room it was found in. It was the storage room, but before she did that she had Shapeshifter help to find a way to transform it. That's what she meant that day when you and Otis went after her, "And you're not smart enough to catch me." She transformed it into one of Todd's tomatoes, which Otis was instructed to have examined just in case Todd was up to something."

"How'd you know that?" Olympia squinted her eyes, really surprised by this information.

"Oh, that's easy." Oona positively smiled, tugging on her lab coat before pressing a button on her keyboard. "Oscar just cracked the password for the villains' plans. I just now looked at the one titled, "Jamie Jam's Odd Bomb."

"Didn't the title seem a little bit suspicious," Olympia questioned.

"No... But what was suspicious was that this was the only file out of order," Oona replied.

Olympia barely nodded her head before her eyes widened. "This means Otis is innocent!"

Oona then scrunched her face up though as she reluctantly dragged out at first, "Actually... He's not..."

"What do you mean?"

"I also found his villain reports. He just released some villains right before the X's arrived."

"But why would he do that," inquired Olympia.

Oona shrugged as she reacted, "Beats me."

"Something's not right...," trailed off the redhead.

"Maybe you should go see him," suggested Oona.

"Do you know where he is?" Olympia was anxious to see her ex-partner.

"Of course. He's currently at Shapely Manor. That's where the X's stay when they're not at the squad, and also where they take people to interrogate them. The atmosphere's perfect for scaring the truth out of them. And she's gone..." Oona gazed around the room, her best friend vanished from sight.

Olympia sloshed through the muddy rain puddles that resembled ponds, finally reaching the manor's grand, front doors. Thankfully, the owner answered, and was more than willing to let her step inside. She made up an excuse to go to the bathroom, and then she was off, searching for her old partner.

"Otis," she whispered under her breath, finally coming across the only room that was locked in the upstairs hallway. She jiggled the doorknob before using the Unlock-Inator gadget, the square of wood creaking as she pushed it open. "Partner?"

At first all she saw was darkness, but then she saw a familiar figure, who was sitting on the bed.

"Olympia," he asked, assuming he was hallucinating or unknowingly asleep.

"Otis," she exclaimed, embracing him in a big hug, as all of the doubts seemed to already melt away.

"What are you doing here," he inquired.

"I have to know the truth," she emphasized, him pressing his lips together. "Did you know about the odd bomb?"

"Yes," he admitted, her appalled but then he clarified his answer. "But I just didn't want to make it a big deal. I knew that word would spread fast if people knew about it. If the villains found out, they would have broken into headquarters, and set it off. I meant to go back and destroy it. I really did, but then I couldn't figure out how to get into the storage room. All that was there was a small room with four walls, but I couldn't get beyond that..."

"What are we going to do, Otis? You're innocent. Well, except for all that other oddness you caused," she added.

"I didn't cause anymore oddness." He squinted his eyes in confusion as those news sunk in. "At least not recently. I mean, I did release those villains, but only because there were other villains that threatened to share my secret if I didn't..."

"You mean the secret of you once being a villain," Olympia double checked.

He slowly nodded his head as she sighed. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you, partner," she expressed.

"It's okay. I would have doubted me too," he admitted. Something about this moment sparked electricity in the air, and soon the couple was sharing a meaningful kiss, pulling away shortly after.

"Quick! Someone's coming," Otis hissed under his breath when footsteps sounded.

Olympia jumped away, and then rolled underneath the bed.

"We have some news," Xena told Otis with her pokerface.

Otis braced himself for the nasty information he might hear, but she then finished, "You're cleared. But only because that scientist named Oona or whatever, and Oscar, found out the truth."

Otis's eyes widened in happiness and relief of finally being free.

"But we're still keeping our eye on you! And if you mess up again we'll have no choice but to fire you for good," yelled Xena before rolling out of the room.

Just then Olympia showed up, Otis's grin the most adorable she had ever seen.

Who is Agent Otis? Only Olympia deep down always knew.

A/N: Hey guys, the idea of Olympia finding out Otis's secret identity was requested by Dancingpenguin8902 . Please go follow them. <3 I hope the mystery I made up wasn't too far-fetched. XD Anyways, please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you enjoyed. Thank you so much! <3

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