At The End Of The Rainbow (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Smack. The words echoed around the house as though Olympia had actually been slapped. Her parents were spitting the usual mean words about her. She had heard it all before, how she was wasting her time at Odd Squad, how she was worthless, and irresponsible. The main reason why she had joined Odd Squad was to avoid being home as much. Her job was the one place where she could just act happy, and almost believe it...

"Hey Otis," she chirped the next morning. Her usual wide smile was in place, as she walked up to his desk.

"Hey, Olympia." He barely nodded, since he was working intently on a file on the computer.

The rest of the day went by far too quickly, and Otis was finally paying more attention to her, since they had cracked the case.

"See you tomorrow, partner," he told her, as they got into the tubes to go home.

Olympia's broad smile finally fell as she was traveling through the depths of the Earth. Yeah. Tomorrow...

That night was the worst one she could ever remember. Because of Otis and her working overtime on the case, her parents were furious that she was home late. Her father just huffed up to bed, too angry to even spew nasty things at her. Her mother on the other hand, had her arms crossed, not planning to walk away anytime soon.

"I had to stay later! Otis and I have been working on this case for almost an entire week," Olympia pointed out.

Her mom just pursed her lips though as she said, "Odd Squad is a waste of time. You must know that. I can't believe you threw away your life at school, just for an organization that only kids can join. What are you going to do after that? Your father and I won't want you living here after you've turned 18."

"I can't wait," Olympia muttered under her breath. It was apparent it must not have been that quiet though, because a sharp stinging suddenly struck her face. Olympia looked up at her mom in shock, her mouth slightly hung up, as she gently touched her throbbing cheek. "You've never hit me before."

"You deserve it." Those words sliced through Olympia like frozen ice.

After that the abuse got worse, because it wasn't just words anymore...

"I didn't know you wore makeup...," Otis commented the day her cheek was injured.

"Just wanted to look nice for work," Olympia still managed to smile slightly.

Otis noticed more strange things later on though. "How can you still be wearing your jacket? It's 90 degrees in here. The Odd Squad cooling system is broken."

"Just cold blooded, I guess." Olympia shrugged off his interrogations, as she bent over her paperwork.

"Aren't you going to wear a swimsuit for the Odd Squad pool party? I only agreed to this, because you convinced me weeks ago," Otis noted. "And why are you wearing sweatpants? It's 100 degrees out!"

"Uh... I'm... allergic to water! And who says I can't wear sweatpants? I mean, sweat pants, it makes perfect sense." Olympia's excuses were getting worse.

Then the truth finally came out. Odd Squad headquarters was about to be destroyed, since a villain had messed with the Ball Pit again. It was Otis and Olympia's job to make each of the balls on a pan balance equal.

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