Third Wheel (Otis x Oona)

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(Otis x Oona)

Oona laid in her bed, the resounding haunts of previous memories consuming her. She was recalling the time that she kept finishing Otis and Olympia's sentences for them, and the look they gave her after, especially Otis's. They seemed annoyed that she had interrupted, and it was as though they preferred to be in their own, little world. Fury built up inside of Oona before it was replaced by tears pricking at her eyes. The most recent memory was when her two best friends solved a case, involving people moving in slow motion. They had both high-fived each other, with her right in the middle like she wasn't even there. This was the first time she had found the courage to address the issue.

"What am I to you," she wondered, and even though they held up their hands, she wasn't having it.

"It's not genuine now," she told them, never showing how hurt she really was.

What made it worse was a certain, blue-eyed boy, who she had fallen for since day one.

"My good friend, Oona. How's the Grab-Inator coming along," asked Olympia the next morning.

Oona always pushed back the negative feelings by the following day. "Great. You'll be pleased to know it can reach twenty feet now," she boasted.

"Woah... That's going to be great for catching villains! I can't wait to try it," gushed Olympia.

"I know, and the best part is...," but Oona never got to complete her sentence.

"Hey, partner. Ms. O says she needs us for a case. Apparently it has something to do with Jamie-," Otis was abruptly cut off by Oona though.

"Jam," Oona finished, Otis giving her the same strange look as the previous time. "I did it again, didn't I?"

Otis slowly nodded his head, not appearing too happy about Oona completing what he said.

"Anyway, you two should probably get up there. Ms. O doesn't like to be kept waiting." Oona's smile was the best fake one she had ever mustered.

"Thanks, Oona," Otis nodded before heading off with Olympia.

Oona sighed as she slumped back against the lab's counter. Just then she spotted a gadget, and in her hurry she knocked it off the counter, and ended up tripping over it. Her back hit the ground hard, and soon she was staring up at a fuzzy ceiling with limited noise. It wasn't long before everything had gone black. Oona had passed out.

No one realized Oona was just lying there, since she had fallen at just the right spot, where she was pretty much hidden from view. There was one person that noticed her green converse slightly sticking out though.

"Oona," they called, dropping to their knees. "No no no no no no. Wake up, Oona."

They tried shaking her shoulders but it was no use, Oona was out cold. Without knowing what else to do, they called doctor Oro as soon as possible, and he would be downstairs soon to help. It was Otis that now grasped Oona's hand, his so much warmer compared to hers. He gazed at the unconscious girl, tears appearing in his eyes. He had never let on, but the reason why sometimes he ignored Oona was because he liked her a lot. And he had never been that good with feelings, or crushes. Soon Oro had come to the rescue, and it pained Otis to have to let go of Oona as Oro picked her up.

"Do you want to carry her," the doctor wondered, noticing how upset Otis seemed.

Otis could only silently nod his head in response, carefully carrying Oona bridal style up the staircase. Olympia was busy with checking out a new room in the hall of doors, and Otis wondered when she would notice that he was late. The girl with dark brown hair was laid onto the examination table, and Otis clasped his hands together behind his back tighter than ever. Was she going to be okay?

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