Too Little To Go Hiking?

Start from the beginning

"Thank you girl guides!" Thea acknowledged happily. "Finally, I'm safe!" 

"Not a problem, Thea." Imogen responded. "Always count on us, when you need help." 

Maria then disgustingly said from behind: "Now, look how much time we wasted just because of Thea. I told you she can't do it." 

"But, Thea has never done it before." Evie said, "it was never in brownies and at least she went for it." 

"Thank you for backing up for me, Evie." Thea spoke, "let's move on now. 

Chloe and the girl guides carried on with the trail. They then saw an apple tree where Chloe asked the girl guides to grab apples from it for their snack and lunch. There was a heavy rock next to the tree to prompt the girls in picking the apples as the tree was very tall. Evie, Imogen, Mackenzie and Maria all did it with success. Finally, it was Thea's turn. She managed to grab the  rest of the apples with success.

"Good job, Thea!" Evie praised proudly. 

"Yeah, you did it!!" Mackenzie exclaimed with joy. "Now, we can carry on with the hike.." 

Thea was all excited that she was hopping around and without noticing, she accidentally knocked the big basket of apples. 

"Oh no!!" Thea gasped, "I'm sorry, I was just too excited that I grabbed the rest of the apples by myself." 

"Oh Thea!" Maria shrieked with shock, "I think you should quit this hike! You are going to cause more trouble!" 

"Don't worry Thea," Chloe said cheering her up, "there will be other activities as well. It's only an accident." 

Evie went over to Thea and said "maybe if we don't have the apples, I think there could be other trees to pick."

Overhearing from Mackenzie she responded in a sad way, "I doubt it, Evie. There's just one apple tree here." 

"Thank you Thea for the time you've wasted on the hike!" Imogen added to her annoyance. 

"I hope I don't cause any more trouble or accidents." Thea sighed. 

"Well Sweetie," Chloe explained, "when Evie was a girl guide for the first time, she would make many mistakes then she got used to it later on." 

"Yeah," Evie smiled, "you had so much enthusiasm before the hike. Don't let the problems you cause spoil it. I think we should move on, Chloe." 

The trail went on until it was lunchtime where Chloe was distributing the sandwiches. 

"Thank you for the sandwich, Chloe. It's really nice!" Thea spoke, "I also brought some Ribena and I have some plastic cups if you want it. This can boost our energy on the hike and I made it all by myself." 

"That's very kind of you, Thea." Chloe beamed. 

"Thank you, Thea!" Imogen exclaimed cheerfully. 

"I guess you aren't too bad, but occasionally clumsy." Maria finally admitted. 

"Yeah, thanks for the Ribena Thea." Mackenzie nodded. 

Chloe whispered loudly to Maria, "Maria, Thea is only new to the girl guides so try to be a little bit nicer to her." 

The girls drank the water and all spitted it out. 

"It's too sweet!" Mackenzie spluttered. 

"What did you even put in it?" Imogen questioned horrifyingly. 

"I put lots of blackcurrant syrup. It's my first time making it." Thea answered. "I'm sorry about this." 

Even Chloe and Evie agreed with the girl guides about the not so nice Ribena. 

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