Wait? she's real!?

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I was sitting in my living room. I lived alone due to being college student, i didn't really stand out in a crowd so i thought i could.

That began by getting into shape. I wasn't overweight by any standards but all those late nights and over working at my job had lead me to lose weight due to not taking care of myself.

I didn't have a set goal i just wanted to feel proud of myself. I would physically change and my work colleagues and people from my college had taken notice.

I had been asked out by people from both college and work. By people i ment both genders, i guess whem i turned down enough women people thought i was gay.

But as flattering as it was, it wasn't the case. The case was actually really pathetic but i couldn't help it. I had a crush on Neo from RWBY

I know it's stupid but i couldn't help but find everything about her attractive! She was adorable, playful and mysterious not only that but she was really short.

I sighed to myself and hoped that the theories of Neo being in Volume 6 was true. If i wasn't watching RWBY then i was watching/reading Jjba or reading the Rwby manga.

Before i had joined college i was known as the "filthy weeb" by people becuase they found out i liked RWBY but whatever.

Me: *Sigh* i should really get over it-


My head wiped around and i ran to my kitchen. I saw a build up of smoke in my garden, so i ran to the back door and threw it open.

I saw that whatever had crashed in my garden had landed in one of my flower beds. Hey! I had to do something in my spare time, why not help create life!?

Tip toeing over to the crash site i waved some of the smoke away. My eyes widened at what i saw.

It was NEO! Well at least someone dressed up as her, but it was a perfect cosplay! From what i could see the girl was passed out.

I walked up to her and picked her up bridal style, i awkwardly shuffled back into my house and through the kitchen and up my stairs.

I didn't really have an upstairs per say. If you would go up my stairs you found find my room which is also my attic. It's spacious, with furniture and a wide pair of windows that open.

I placed her down on my bed and wiped some of the dirt off of her. Suddenly her hand shot up and gripped my throat choking me.

I reached up and tried prying her hand away but her grip was too strong. I looked to see she was awake but also really confused.

Me: T-Time... out!

I rapidly tapped her arm and she let go making me fall to my knees panting as i rubbed my sore throat.

I looked up to her curiously as she was looking around my room. She searched around in her pockets and eventually pulled out... a scroll?

Wait... is this actually fucking Neo?!?! She moved it infront of my face and i read out what it said

Me: "Where are we?"... We're in England, is your name Neo by amy chance?

She nodded and moved her scroll back to her and quickly typed before showing it to me again.

Me: "Yes, how'd you know also where is England?" Well... Hang on, where are you from?

She moved it to her and pouted slightly because i didn't answer her question which was adorable! She showed me what she wrote

Me: "Why should i tell you?" I'm err... gonna tell you something or rather show you something you're not going to like

I moved to my computer and looked up Rooster teeths website. I scrolled through somethings and found all the episodes of RWBY

I ushered her over and brought up the first episode she was seen. I skipped to her scene and she watched intently as Yang dashed at her and shattered her and Roman before they escaped to the bullhead.

I felt a tap on my shoulder amd i turned around to see Neo's scroll

Me: "What is this?" This is the show RWBY made by a guy called Monty Oun... you weren't real

She looked at me confused before she put it together and fell to her knees. I rushed to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

Me: H-Hey, it's okay! You're real now... what's the last thing you remember from Remnant?

She showed me her umbrella and then opened it and mimicked being dragged away.

Me: Ruby opened up your umbrella, then you got dragged away by the high winds right?

She nodded before tears started poking at the corners of her eyes, she dived towards my chest and wrapped her arms around me as she silently cried.

I froze from the sudden contact as i felt my shirt get damp, slowly i moved my arms around her and pulled her closer to me as i rested my chin on her head.

Me: Don't worry, you're safe now.

After awhile she finished crying and pulled away wiping her eyes

Me: Right, so are you hungry?

She shook her head but i heard her stomach rumble. She blushed and turned her head away and pouted making me chuckle

I got up as she followed me. Walking down the stairs i could hear her heels clicking on the wood, when reached the bottom of the stairs i stopped and she tilted her head.

Me: In England we take our shoes off inside

She nodded and took off her heels and i saw her real hight. She was about 4'7 compared to me who was 6'3, i had to tilt my head down to look at ger if she was close enough.

I walked into the kitchen and rumaged through my draw's before finding a pan. I placed it on the stove top before i turned the switch.

It clicked a few times before the gas caught fire and it turned on igniting a small series of flames. Moving over to the freezer i pulled out some chicken.

I opened the package and placed some of the chicken strips onto the pan.

Me: Is chicken okay?

I turned around to look at her and saw her nod, i opened the oven and pulled out the tray before also turning on the oven.

I moved back to the freezer and pulled out some chips before placing them onto the tray, i placed the tray back in the oven and closed the hatch.

Moving to the living room i plopped dowm onto to the sofa as Neo joined me. She held her scroll to me so i could read it.

Me: "Where am i going to go?" You can stay with me!

She looked to me with hope and i just nodded before she smiled cutely which i could help but blush at slightly. She moved her scroll bavk to herself before showing me it again

Me: "What can i do to repay you?" You don't have to do anything... but you could try unlocking my aura

She nodded and placed a hand on my chest as a pink aura surrounded her, she took some deep breaths before i felt a warmth around me.

I raised my hands up and saw that i had a blueish glow around me. I saw Neo smiling that she was able to unlock my aura

Me: Maybe i have a semblance?

(Lemme know what you think)

Is This The Real Life?: Blake x Male Reader x Neo {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now