The GOOD Poo?

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After all that hitting, Bill took the poo inside his house and put it on his couch. "You must be really hungry from being trapped inside that car for a week. Want me to get you food"? Asked Bill. "Yes!!!" Said the poo, almost dead.

When Bill gave the poo food, the poo opened his mouth so wide that it touched the ceiling. Then it ate a whole chicken in one bite. "How did you eat that so fast?" Asked Bill, confused. "See how hungry I was? I WANT MORE!" Yelled the poo.

After eating almost everything in the fridge, the poo's head started hurting. "Ow!" Said the poo. "What's the matter?" Asked Bill. "My head really hurts! It must have been from when you kept hitting me! Owwwwwww!" Cried the poo. "Maybe we should get you to the hospit-" "NO!" Said the poo, cutting off Bill. "Why?" "Because the doctors will get scared that there is a talking poo right in front of them! And they might think your crazy, like your trying to tell them that your robot broke or something. Then they might send you to a hospital for crazy people!" Said the poo. "Well, what are we going to do now? I can't just leave you here, dying without medicine!" Cried Bill. "I don't want you to die. Your the only friend I have. Everyone else moved away or either died! We have to do something. I will go to the store to see if I can find anything." Said Bill.

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