Is this the end of us?

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" he said with uneasiness apparent in his voice. "I'm packing. What does it look like?" I said with anger lacing my voice. "I can see that, but I mean why?" He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away and took a seat on my unmade pile of blankets, creating a fort on my bed. Austin took a seat beside me and looked away, tears forming in his eyes. 

"Are you leaving because of me?" He said as he turned to face me with tears streaming down his face and landing on his shirt. "It's not your fault", I said trying to make him feel better. As a matte rof fact, it was Austin's fault. I haven't been able to sleep because of him, I can't stop thinking about him and honestly I'm terrified of becoming too attached. It was much better to just leave and move on. I couldn't fall in love with him, not now, not ever. 

"Hey, Dinner's done!" My mom called up the stairs. I got up and Austin began to speak, his voice cracking. "I guess I should leave then." My mom interupted the conversation, "no can do! You're going to come down and eat a nice dinner with us, we hardly know anything about you anyways." She said with a grin on her face. I forced a smile and lead Austin out of my room and down to the dining room. The table was set and there was chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, and ice cream for dessert. "I hope you're not lactose intolerent" My dad joked with Austin and he let a choked grin. I felt so bad for doing this to him, but it was for my sanity, not his. I couldn't muster up the courage to tell him that the reason I was leaving was because I was afraid of falling in love with him. 

Dinner was done and my mom still hadn't stopped with the interrogation. "Mom, please stop. I think Austin wants to go home now. It's been a long day." He snapped his head towards mine and shot me a look of desperation, mentally asking me not to leave. He knew by nightfall I'd be gone and lost in the world without him. 

"Well, I guess I better go then Mr. and Mrs. Ashby. Alan needs his sleep." He said with a small chuckle, but I could tense the sadness in his voice. "Come on, Austin. I'll show you out." I said shyly just wanting it to end. 

We reluctantly got up and pushed our seats in before taking our plates to the sink for my mom. We made our way to the door in a hushed silence. "Alan, please don't do this." Austin whined from beyond the door. I shut the door and turned around to face Austin, red face and all. "Austin, you don't understand why I'm doing this, but later on you will. I'm sorry I just can't do this. Not with you. Not with anyone." I said looking past Austin to the street light and the darkness beyond it. Austin grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. He wrapped me in hug and rested his head in the crook of my neck. Realizing what he was doing, I pulled away. "I think you should g-" I was cut off by Austin lips placed gently on mine. I froze. I stood there, not knowing what to do. I didn't kiss back... at first. I leaned in and kissed him frantically. This was all I ever wanted, but suddenly I remembered why I was leaving. "No, Austin I can't. I'm sorry." I ran back inside and shut the door. I slid down the door, tears rolling down my face and looked up pleading with whatever god there was to please help me. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag. I flew down the stairs and out of the door. I shut it quietly not wanting to disturb my parents who were probably already in bed. I looked the door and placed my key under the mat below the front door. I wasn't ever coming home. Why Would I need it?

I reached the airport and walked past the security clearance check in and took a seat on one of the chairs. I scrounged up every dollar I could fine to buy a cheap ticket. I walked to the desk and asked for a ticket on the next available ticket to Huntington Beach, California. The woman told me the price and I paid for the ticket and returning to the chair with my stuff. The flight left at 5am, I still had 7 hours to go, but I was not staying home. I was doing this and I was doing it for me. 

6 am rolled around and I pulled my headphones out of my ears and sat up stretching my arms. I stood up and decided on coffee. I grabbed my old pacsun bag and started walking towards the starbucks. I order mocha cookie crumble large and waited for it to be made. I grabbed it after paying and walked back to the waiting area. I scarfed down my coffee and figured it was time to move on and create a new life, one without Austin Carlile in it. I stepped towards the security check when Austin caught my attention. I tried my best to ignore his frantic calls and I did, but not without tears in my eyes. "I love you" I heard him scream and I looked back with tears streaming down my face. I turned around and headed for the terminal. "I love you too Austin" I mumbled to myself as I boarded my way to my new life. What would become of me? Austin? Mom and Dad? Was this really worth screwing up my whole life for. I sat down in my designated seat and my phone buzzed. 

One new text message

Austin: I'll never forget you Alan. My One True Love 

I looked around and felt my eyes begin to water. What had I done?


THIS IS THE END. I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR READING. On another note, should I write a sequel??? Leave opinions below!

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