Is this the end of us?

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A/N~ So I know a lot of you guys wanted me to continue writing this story. I don't know where I'm going with it so I'm just gunna wing it. My brother starts school back on tuesday so I should have some time to write while he's gone. I hope you enjoy this chapter and be grateful that I'm even updating. ily

Alan POV

It was monday morning, meaning I had history first and that meant THE Austin Carlile, the one I have been ignoring for the past 3 days. I didn't want to ignore his 50 text messages and 23 calls, but I couldn't muster up the thought of Austin "loving" me. I mean honestly, we're juniors in high school. What do we know about love, right? 

I walked into the history class saying Hi to Mr. Fuentes and receiving a nod and wave as I took my seat at the back corner of the class. I swear it had a sign above it that read "only losers sit here" because it seemed that everyone avoided sitting there, or maybe it was just me that they hated. Either way, I still didn't want to be here at all, at school, or in this class with the one person I despised at the moment. 

As on cue, Austin walked in the door receiving a few whistles from the girls and their jaws dropped as well. I heard a few gasps and decided to look for myself. When I looked up, Austin was wearing tight black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket, red high top converse and a bright red AC beanie. He looked straight up like Heaven, if Heaven was real, of course. He nodded at the girls, which is pointless I thought because Austin is obviously gay right? I mean he did tell me that he loved me on Friday, or was I dreaming? Nope, it was real life. As I was caught in day dreaming, I looked up to see Austin walking over to me. My palms grew sweaty and eminem got caught in my head. SHIT. "Knees weak, palms are sweaty" 

"Hey, Alan. I was hoping we could talk after school today. How about I come over and we can talk about the other day?" He whispered as if to not be caught by Mr. Fuentes. "What are you talking about, Austin? There's nothing to talk about. It was just an 'in the moment thing'." 'No, Al. It wasn't and I meant every word that I spoke. 

I raised my hand signaling I needed the teacher's attention. "Yes, Alan?" "Uh, can I go to the bathroom?" "Sure, be back soon. We're starting a new lesson." I wasn't coming back. I was leaving and I hadn't planned on coming back, ever. I grabbed my bag and the remaining the books on my desk and bolted out the door. I headed straight for the park, I needed to cool down. 

I reached the park and it was a cool day, so I grabbed my hoodie pulling it over my head. I sat down and pulled my arms around my shaking body. Why did I have to be so stupid? Why did Austin have to be so perfect? Why did I, of all people, have to fall for Him? My life was just a huge question mark and I needed to get away before I became too attached to him. I've exerienced loss because I got too attache and i"m not doing it again. Not with Austin, not with anyone. 

Right then, right there I made my choice. I'm leaving. 

I got up and made my way to my house. It was a grueling 15 minute walk, it was cold, it was windy, and I absolutely hated it. I made my way home and opened the door to the smell of chicken. I knew my mom was home. How am I supposed to leave now? "Honey, is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen as she rounded the corner and engulfed me in a hug. "Yes, mom it is. You're hugging me, that should be proof enough." I said with a smirk plastered on my face. When she let go I ran up the stairs and grabbed my old pacsun bag and packed a few pairs of pants and a few long sleeve shirts and some boxers. This was coming all to fast. As if there wasn't enough distractions, the door bell rang. Just great, who else could be here. I heard my mom call me, but I ignored her and thought nothing of it. I sat on my bag and zipped up my bag. I threw it on the floor as my bedroom door swung open. 

"A-Alan" Was all I could hear. I had blanked out and was aimlessly stairing at the door. I slowly raised my head and came face to face with Austin. 

Pieces Are Missing Without You (cashby)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora