Chapter 20

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Dally's POV

Left under cut punch, and the soc went down. That ended the rumble. His friend tried to attack me but I punched him making his weak little ass run off. Some of the older socs chased after the scrawny little dude. Steve was cheering along with the Shepard sand brumbly boys. I pulled him aside and started walking with the rest of the gang to the Curtis's.

"C'mon guys. We need to go" I begged. I got strange looks from the whole gang.

"My sisters making you loose you tuff side, huh?" Sodapop nudged me.

"What you talking about? oh and touch me one more time and your head is getting kicked in" I pulled out a cigarette to make sure I didn't loose my rep.

"Sure" soda chuckled and walked to Steve. We were about five minutes away from the ' black flamingo' whatever it's called. We arrived right when they went to half time I guess I don't know

I saw Anna's hair flip as she walked back through the curtain.

"Aw it's half time" Darry whined

"It's not called half time idiot. It's intermission" Ponyboy corrected.

"Yeah Darry what the heck?" I joked pretended like I didn't call it half time.

"Whatever" he sat down across from Twobit who already had a beer in his hand.

They came back on about five minutes later. Anna looked around the room to see if we were here. I met eyes with her. I assumed so did Sodapop because at the same time we gave her a thumbs up. He slapped my arm, he's just upset I'm dating his sister.

They finished a few songs I leaned over and whispered to soda.

"She has a beautiful voice" he nodded.

"Aweee dally has feeling off my sister!" Ponyboy joked from the other side of me.

"Shut up kid you know nothing about lov-" I cut myself off.

"Love?" Darry scream whispered from way across the table.

" I didn't say that I said lov. I never finished the word man." He frowned

"Same thing Dallas. I've got my eyes on you" the threatened.

"Good" I was just being an ass.

They brought out a stool for Anna

"I wonder if her ankle hurts?" I whispered to soda.

"Were you listening? she's singing her song that got her into the band" he shut me up.

It really was a good song. She could get far with that voice. I gave her a standing ovation along with the others. We got crazy looks from all of the gothic poetic people. Twobit slowly sat back down and snapped his fingers making the whole room go into laughter.

"Thank you I'll be here all night" he bowed. That got another roar. People slowly began to leave from the joint. Mason, Mikey, and Jackie came out with confused looks.

"Where's your sister?" Jackie asked Darry.

"I was about to ask you the same thing?" he replied.

"Well we might have some bad news." Mikey lowered his head

"Go on" I yelled.

"The back door hinges are broken and the door is wide open. Anna's bag is still out their I found a bloody knife in the alley" Mason informed us.

"Holy shit" Sodapop sat back down. This must be bad if he cussed.

"I'll be back you guys to home" i yelled and left the place.

"I'm coming with" Darry came running next to me.

"Let's go find our Anna" I said and started running to the main road.


Ehhhh so three updates three stories. One day. What do you think of that?!?!? I'm pretty proud of it. Sorry this was kinda a boring chapter. She so t be kidnapped for long I'll just say that. I might update tomorrow. No promises. Comment if you want me too! stay gold

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