Chapter 1

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Today was my first day of school and I'm gonna try to make it a good year, good grades, good everything.
"Annabeth it's time to get up!" Darry yelled from downstairs but it was lt was too late I was already up. I like to get up really early and go for runs on weekends and in the summer time. None of my brothers like me being out of the house by myself no matter what.

"I'm coming" I yelled. I threw on black shorts that are really short. A white tank top with an bando it showed my stomach. I was gonna leave my bangs down but they are so long I only use them when I need to cover up something. I put on my moms old bracelet and my bracelet that says Annabeth. I put on some white chuck Taylor's.
"Hey baby sister" sodapop said while kissing me on the head. "Have fun on your first day" soda said and was off walking with steve to the DX.
"Good morning Darry."
"Hi. Do you want breakfast?"
" No thanks. Hey guys I'm gonna head to school early to meet up with my friends."
"Okay got your blade?"
"I don't need a blade I'm Annabeth Curtis."
"Fine." he said. "Have fun"
As I was walking out the door I heard him say to Pony please makes sure she eats something. She's awfully skinny now a days.
I didn't care sometimes I did need to eat more but I just throw it up it's like everything makes my stomach churn.

At school

"Hey best friends!" I said while walking up to our meeting tree. Me and my friends weren't popular socs but popular greasers everyone knew who we were. And damn were we pretty. Except me I'm okay but not as pretty as Kate or Ashlyn or Jenny or Madeline.
"We hardly saw you this summer but those sleep overs we got to go to were the best." Madeline screeched.
"Yeah I know I missed you guys. I barely left the house because I wasn't safe. But again I'm Annabeth Curtis."
"How's Johnny?" Kate asked
"He's good. He really likes you" I told her and her eyes lit up so fast it was crazy.
"How's dally?" Ashlyn asked. All of my friends have crushes on the gang. Weird.
"Fine he was gone a lot of the summer but you should go on a date it would be fun." I said
"Twobit?" asked Jenny
"He's fine hasn't changed still loves Mickey Mouse."
"Cool." Jenny was very laid back.
"Last but not least steve?" asked Madeline.
"Still good ol crazy steve."
"Guess who." someone asked me
"Um. Oh easy my boyfriend. Robby."
"No I'm your boyfriend you silly." teased Andy.
"I know you are." I said pulling him into a makeout session well school appropriate.
"Get a room." yelled by the one and only twobit
"What? did I do something wrong."
"No it's just twobit can't see me or I'm gonna be busted"
"you still didn't tell your brother yet?"
"No I tried really I just didn't want to freak them out. I mean they hardly let me leave the house without someone at my side."
"I know I forgive you. Two bit won't tell right."
"Nope he's telling right when he gets home. He has the mind of a two year old."
"Well well well who do we got here" asked Two bit
"Well I'm dating Andy. But please don't tell I haven't told them yet." I blurted out.
"Well obviously or I would have known." Twobit said
"How long has this been going on"
"A year a 6 and a half months." I interrupted
"Oh and you thought to keep it to your self. My little best girly friend has herself a boyfriend."
"Yes and what's the big deal I can handle anything"
"We know." Jenny Pipped up. Trying to get two bits attention so she could talk.
"Hey jenny how's it going." and they didnt stop talking until the morning bell rung.

At lunch

"Hey Annabeth." Pony said while walking over.
"Do you need money to buy lunch."
"Nope Jenny said I could have an apple." I told him
"Annabeth that's not a lunch."
"At least it's something to eat. It's an apple or nothing. Please you know what happens when I eat a lot you wouldn't do this to me."
"Hey babe." Said Andy
"Hey I bet you know Ponyboy my brother."
"Her twin." Pony blurted out
"Don't remind me." I said rolling my eyes.
"Aw come on you love me"
"So hey Andy right." Pony said sticking out his hand
"Yeah" I could tell it was nervous.
"We are dating." I interrupted
"Did this happen today." Pony asked excitedly
"Not exactly." I said
"It's been a year and six months." it was so cute that remembered that
"Oh my Anna how did I not know about this."
"Well I can keep a secret."
"Okay but don't think Darry won't know about this by the end of the day."
"Well at least let me tell them."
"Fine bye girly. Good luck." he said while poking me in the nose.
"Bye twin"
"That was close are you sure you want to tell?"
"Not only that I want them to meet you. Especially with homecoming coming up."
"Anything for my girl" Andy whispered


Gets guys this is chapter one!!!!! Read vote comment!
Follow me on Instagram @outsiders_forever102. Bye lovelies

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