Chapter 8

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The doctor gave me the crutches and said we were free to go. Thank God. We walked well I stumbled getting used to the crutches I immediately saw Sodapop and he rushed over to me "Anna bear that cast looks huge." I nodded "I think it weighs more than you." Ponyboy exclaimed "I think so too Pony. It sure does feel like it I can barely move my leg." They smiled. Sodapop but his hand on my back and directed me to the car. After a long silent car ride We got home. I'll be spending a lot of time in this house. If Darry won't let me leave with two feet I doubt he will let me even go outside the front door with one. I sighed. "Her ya go Anna. Do you want anything to drink or eat." I looked at Darry seriously. "Yeah I'll take a beer. And I'm good in food I am stuffed I ate a whole apple today! Aren't you proud of me." I smiled sarcastically. He couldn't help but smile too. "Maybe later. You'll still sick." I looked down trying not to make eye contact or open my mouth because I could feel a cough attack coming on. *cough cough. Ugh *sniffle. "Fine" I muttered. He walked over crouched down and felt my forehead. "Well you don't feel to warm but don't look to hot either. I think you should just sleep and drink a lot of water. Pobyboy go grab something for the pain." Darry instructed. "Here ya go." He handed me a bottle and a glass of water. All eyes were on me I grabbed two and two extra for later. I swallowed. "Annabear I think you would rest better in your room." Sodapop suggested. "Good idea." I smirked. I grabbed my crutches and stood up And instantly fell "I'll get used to this I'm not to coordinated." They all laugh "oh we know." Ponyboy said while raising his hands.

I went up to my room. Dragging my body. Man this cast takes a lot of work. I slowly opened my door to find my room all clean. Every book, blanket, painting in place. My bed was made. I had a new pillow. It was fluffy and was pink. My favorite color easily. I flopped down on my bed. "Ahhhh perfect" cough cough. I thought that was weird because I didn't have a cough before. Maybe the medicine stopped working? I slowly drifted into a black hole of slumber.
Sodapops POV

"That's three aces I win!!!!" Whooped Twobit. "Are you serious. Anna's sleeping." Ponyboy said slapping Twobit. "Oh yeah how is that little munchkin?" We sighed. By we I mean Pony Darry and I. "Well maybe if you would of been here instead of going gambling you would know." Darry snapped. He rested his hand on his head. Boy he looked beat. "She broke her foot and is sick." Ponyboy answered to Twobit. He rubbed his eyes. "Ponyboy are you tired?" He nodded and yawned. "Maybe you should go to bed." Johnny suggested. He was shuffling through Anna's painting. "Darry these are really good. You should hang some of them." Darry looked up "yeah Johnnycake I should shouldn't I."


"Anna oh my gosh are you okay?" Jennie and Madeline came running over to me to pick me up. "No that bitch is kissing my boyfriend." They all glared at her. "Anna dared me." They all glanced back to me. "Anna if you're gonna be mad then don't dare something like that" I was about to explode. "WE WERE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE LIKE FOUR HOURS AGO. I NEVER DARED ASHLYNN TO KISS ANDY!"
She smirked "yeah sure thing sweet heart. I just threw myself on him." My friends nodded "yeah Anna that doesn't seem like something she would do. I mean she's dating Sam." I jumped on her. "So help me if you go after my boyfriend one more time you're gonna be sorry." Then she plunged something into my stomach.
*end of dream."

My eyes shot open. Oh geez I'm having nightmares again. My body was covered in sweat. Ewww. My mind went back to that night. Ashlynn never stabbed me but I remember her tying me around a tree. Andy enventually untied me but just left and never explained what happened. I got up and stumbled down the stairs grasping the rail for support. I got down there and all the lights were out. Twobit, Dally, and Johnny were all laying on the floor. I went over to window which had light coming from the moon through it. Damn it was pretty. I stared at it for about ten minutes until I remembered I came down to get a glass of water. I filled it up my head was spinning. Why am I like this. The doctor said I didn't have a concussion. Whatever. I grabbed three pills and swallowed them all at once. I decided to sit on the floor. I didn't grab my crutches I'll never make it back up stairs. I don't want to wake anyone up either. I tilted my head back. I closed my eyes and went into the darkness for some slumber. Until I heard "Annabear?" I shot my eyes open. "What?" I looked up towards the window. And back towards Ponyboy. It was light out. He knelt down besides me "Anna where are your crutches. How in the world did you get down here?" I coughed. "Well I uh I had a nightmare and I came downstairs my head was spinning and I couldn't make it stop so I took three of the pills I took last night before I went to bed and I sorta didn't know how to get back up stairs so I decided to crash on the floor. "What time is it?" Ponyboy had sorrow in his eyes. "Anna you can only take two of those pills a day. Honey you have to be careful. Please." I nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't know." He hugged me and took me up stairs. "It's 5:30. I had to go to the bathroom then I saw you. Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" I sat on my bed. "Not really." He rubbed my back. "Are you sure? It helps to talk about it." I stared at him. "Ponyboy. I have problems. With things that you will never understand and no one in this family will because... Never mind. I'm gonna go back to bed." I felt myself slide under the covers like someone was controlling my body. Then I felt legs rub against mine. "If you need anything I'll be here."

I woke up. My head ache almost gone but still hurting. I sat up on my bed looking down and seeing ponyboy nowhere. "Oh geez what time is it?" I looked up at my wall clock. 10:30. Isn't it a Saturday? Ponyboy must of went out to the living room. So I snatched my crutches and hobbled out of the room almost knocking into Darry closing Sodapops and Ponyboys door. "Oh hey. How ya feeling." I couldn't lie. "Well better. But I still feel sick." He looked down. "Oh well. You'll get better. Do you need help gong down stairs." I sighed "yes please." Once I got down there everyone's eyes were on me. "What?" They all looked away. "Do I have something on my teeth?" Silence. So I walked up to where the mirror I had Darry put up and saw a picture of a sunset. My sunset painting. "Oh" they smirked. I took a better look at the room. Many of them were hanging. I dropped my crutches and hobbled over to Darry. "Thank you." I sunk my head on his chest. He hugged back. "I think It adds to the house. It's 100% better" Twobit suggested. "Really? Some of them could be better" someone sighed. "Anna they are great" Sodapop reassured me. "Thanks. Soda"

The next few days Darry made me stay home until I was ready for school. I still had a cough but it wasn't bad. "Anna? Do you need me to drive you to school. Because I barely got time to go to work." Sodapop was fretting. "Nah don't worry about it. I don't mind. I have a weapon." I raised one of my crutches. "Ha okay. Do you got a blade?" I padded my back pocket. "Okay have a good day!" Sodapop left after he kissed me on my forehead. "Ponyboy?" No answer "ponyboy?" Still no answer. Wait it's Wednesday. Pony is running this morning. Okay let's get to school. I stumbled out the door with jean shorts, black converse, a pink top, and my hair up with a bandana in it. My back pack was slung over my back but it was harder than you'd think to carry a 20 pound back pack with crutches. Well it's not easy. My backpack was pretty wore it was probably gonna rip any day now especially with every single book that's from my locker. I was about half way across my neighbor hood just enjoying the fresh air. "Ahhhh" I released the air I was holding while breathing in more a couple seconds later. Oh there's that tree I used to climb! I saw a birds nest. Birds were flying out of it. They looked like they were just learning to fly. I wish..... RIPPPP "shit" I turned around and all my books were on the ground. "Damn it" I looked up. A red mustang was approaching. They rolled there tinted black windows down. "Can I help you?" This mans voice said. "Um yeah. Where ya headed?" He got out of his car. "School." He had a slight British accent. "Uh um yeah me too" he opened the door for me and helped me in by putting his hand on my back. It took him a few minutes but he got all my books in the back seat. "Thank you so much for doing this" I said once he started driving.

"Oh it's no problem. I'm happy to!" I smiled damn his accent was good. "I see you take geometry?" I nodded and looked into his eyes. "yeah. I'm failing now i haven't been in class in two weeks." I looked off the road. " really. Why?" I told him the story and before we knew it we were at school. "I'm sorry I never got your name" I laughed. "I'm Annabeth and you are?" He smiled. "I'm Reed" "well Reed. It was really nice meeting you" he nodded his head. "You too." He fiddled with something my his pocket. "Here call me?" I looked down and the white scrap paper. "Yeah" I managed to get out. "I'll help you with your homework. Can I pick you up for school tomorrow." I gave him a pleading look. "Yes please" I gave him a hug. I turned around. He did the same. I spun back around and watch his slim muscularish body walk away. It was a windy day his dark brown hair was swaying in the wind then it hit me. "Oh shit what will Darry say."

Thank you all my lovely readers. I love you. I'm writing a new story called break away. First chapter should be up tomorrow night!!!! Go check it out please!
-Anka 💕

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