Chapter 12

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We finished a all our homework in an impressing time.

"Alrighty Anna. I'll see you tomorrow morning. At 7:30. Okay?" Reed asked. "I'll be parked on the street. Of course if it's okay with you, Darry."
Darry looked up surprised. "Um..." I gave him the death glare. "

Sure. Just be careful. I don't need my baby sister even more injured." They nodded. "Of course. I can't wait for that thing to be off I want to go play outside with her." I laughed. "Trust me I can't wait either." We all laughed. "We will see you later." Carter called. As they all walked out the door I plopped down on the couch and opened up my book. I glanced up to see Reed's 'pencil'
"Darry! I gotta go run this to Reed. I'll be right back." He nodded. "Okay but don't trip." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
I swung the door open almost hitting my face "I'm good." I shut the door carefully. " hey Reed I think you forgot something." He turned around. "What?" He smiled. "Your pencil and this" I hugged him. He hugged back "Thank you so much for everything. I think Darry and the boys like all of you." I whispered into his ear. "Good. Because I like you too" I blushed. "Well I like you too." He laughed. "You just said that." "No. I said Darry likes you not me. But now I'm saying I like you. A lot! Now get outta here before you stay all night." I gently hit his arm. He climbed into his car along with the other boys. "Night Anna." "Get rest" "sleep tight!" "Don't let the bed bugs bite" I laughed at all there comments as they drove off to the night.

I stumbled back inside "Anna. You need to study." Darry shouted.

"But Darry. The boys are gonna help me study in the morning." He sighed. "I need to know that your studying with full attention."

"Darry. To be honest. I won't focus here. I focus better with partners."
I turned around

"Anna get back here. I am telling you to study. So study your ass off or I'll send you away." my face got red with anger.

"Darry. You wouldn't dare send me away, I don't understand you were just happy a minute ago. What's your deal?" he stood up.

"My deal is you don't care about anything. And I don't understand."

"You don't understand what. That I'm just getting off a two week break and I'm struggling but I have really nice friends to help. Yeah I think I understand what your deal is. You don't want me to be happy." I stomped my good foot and grabbed my back pack and slammed the front door.

The tears streaming down my face. 'Why Anna why do you always gotta be like that' I thought. I wiped my eyes. And opened my book pretending to read and take notes but I was really zen tagging (a artsy form of doodling.)

"Anna?" sodapop spoke softly.

I put my head in my hands. "What do you want. Just yell at me and to try harder right. Well save yourself the time." I sniffled into my hands.

"No Annabear. Darry had a really long day at work he is sorry he yelled at you." He sat down next to me
I awkwardly scooted farther away from him.

"Hey don't play this game." he turned my head towards him.

"Anna we love you. Darry would never send you away." he sighed.

"I'm not sure it seems like he hates me." I sniffed. He put his arm around me. "He loves you so much. He is so proud of you." I turned to him. "What have I done special. What do I contribute to this world. That's right nothing. I'm a waste of space." He whipped a tear away. "No your not. Your so creative. Maybe you'll become an artist." He held up my 'notes' "see even your doodling is good."

"Soda that zen tangling. Duh." I smiled sarcastically.

"Well I'm sorry." he put his hands up. "Come inside once you feel like it. We don't need you suck again."

I looked up. "It's not that cold." He smiled

Darry's POV

"Sometimes I think he hates me." I over heard Anna talking to soda. I don't hate her. I love Anna. She is awesome.

"I'm not sure it seems like he hates me." Anna sniffled.
I turned to pony who was watching me intently.
"Oh Darry. Why didn't you just like her go to bed. She's obviously had a super long day. And don't push her too hard, she has been through a lot and now Ashlynn." he trailed off.
"What about Ashlynn?" I asked

"Nothing. She just beat up Anna today." I stood up.

"That...." I stopped myself.

"Darry don't take any anger out on Anna please she has it hard enough at school."

"Okay." I walked off to my room.

Annabeth's POV

"Soda go check to see if he is gone." he nodded.

He stuck his head in. "Everything's clear." I smiled

He helped me up. I slumped to my room quietly walking past Darry's door.

I threw the zen tangles in my art box.

I slipped my pj's on and climbed in to bed. And thought, how do I ignore Darry tomorrow morning.

I woke up to a thud.

"What?" I croaked. I'm on the floor.
I starred out the window. It was still dark out.
Someone tapped my shoulder I slowly turned around. It was Ashlynn, Madeline, kate, and jenny. "why are you here. Am I dreaming?" Ashlynn laughed.
"Stupid girl. You don't even know if you're dreaming."Kate laughed.

"I'm not stupid." I fought back.

"No but you're a slut." Jenny laughed and high fived her friends. Suddenly the walls got closer and they all pulled out different weapons. Kate: a bottle if pills Madeline: a gun Jenny: a rope and ashlynn: a knife. Suddenly the rope was around my neck and arms and legs and when I struggled it got tighter. Kate started shoving the pills down my neck. And Madeline had the gun to me and Ashlynn had the knife at my neck. I started getting woozy and bang. I was dead.

I jolted up. Screaming. It would be seconds before the boys came in. I crawled out of bed shaking. I sat in the corner just starring ahead. I felt fuzzy my neck still felt cold from the blade.
The boys burst through my door.

"Anna. What happened?" I couldn't tell who asked. My mind was only on the switch blade in my pants from last night. I slowly crawled over to my pants. The boys watched. I laid down by them. I do deserve to die. I'm not worth anything. Reed and his friends will get over it. Sure the boys will be sad but I'll get to see mom again. I'm nothing. The world won't miss me. Annabeth Curtis you are a piece of shit, slut, bitch, nothing, no one likes you.
I grasped the blade and popped it open. "Anna! no!" someone shouted. I was inches away from doing it when I stopped breathing.


Alright not exactly what I was planning but I needs action. Trust me this story will have much more action. Please comment if you like this. It jumped a lot of times. Also remember from the beginning she had anxiety like major attacks too but the boys thought it was over. Okay! Please let me know what you think because if you like this intense stuff then I will do more stuff like this!

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