Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

The two year old had fallen asleep during their car ride to their new house after cutting a fit because Haneul kept messing with her pacifier.

"Mommy, come on!" Haneul yelled, "i want to see my room!"

Jungkook chuckled at the impatient six year old, "i got her."

The brunette nodded and opened the door before taking the keys out of the older male's hand. Haneul grabbed his hand and Taehyung allowed the seven year old to pull him towards the porch. Haneul jumped in place as Taehyung shoved the key in the keyhole and turned it.

"Oh, my goshness!" Haneul yelled as he pressed his hands against his cheeks.

The living room was rather large with two white couches and two dark blues chairs near a big fireplace. On each side of the fireplace were two big windows behind white and beige curtains. On the left side of the fireplace were a floor-to-ceiling window and a shelf with a big flat screen TV in the centre with candles, tiny handbooks and Haneul's Wii.

"This is really big!" Haneul said

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"This is really big!" Haneul said.

"Yeah, it is," Jungkook said as he walked into the house carrying his sleeping two year old.

"I'mma go lay her down, come on Hannie i'll show you your room," the raven-haired male said as he started towards the staircase. Haneul cheered and ran in front of Jungkook only to be scolded by Taehyung who told him to be careful when on the stairs. Of course, the seven year old just gave him a sheepish smile before running up the stairs anyway.

"Daddy, where's sissy's room?" Haneul asked as he jumped down the hallway, "and where's your room and Mommy's room?"

"Mommy and i are sharing a room," Jungkook said, stopping in front of a closed door. On the door was a pink bunny holding a beige sign that had the name 'AHREUM' painted in big black letters. Taehyung and Seokjin had gone to town on the year old's room and decorated her room all bunny themed using soft, almost pastel pink and grey.

In the far right corner was a white circle-shaped bed with bars around it for protection and a very light — almost white — pink canopy with a mobile with clouds hanging from it. Beside the bed was a huge window with light grey curtains, a white stuffed bunny, and a small toy crib was placed on the floor.

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