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The days seemed to pass awfully slow in the Yan family mansion. Yan Jiahui already felt like jumping off the third floor.

All of his days were filled with lazing around the house, nothing to do....

The only thing he can do is to help around in the kitchen, or help his older siblings to organise some papers....

Feels like he just got demoted into a live-in secretary instead of being their youngest sibling _(:з」∠)_.

A knock resounded. He rose from his bed in a languid motion, feet creating soft thuds as he walked to the door. He opened it.

In front of him stood a maid. She bowed down respectfully. "Young master, the eldest master asked for you to come to his study."

It's time...

He nodded, feeling part of his cheeks and earlobes getting warmer. The maid barely twitched, before she bowed again and went out of his sight.

(As she turned around the corner, she released a soft miniscule scream inside her heart. AAAAAAHHHH!!! Why is the youngest master so cute????)

He peeked out of his room, and seeing nobody, he went out, and closed the door with a soft click.

His feet brought him to his oldest brother's study. Raising a hand to knock, he stopped just as his knuckles were about to meet the dark wood, wondering if he would bother him.

But as his hand went down, he heard a voice-

"Come in."

If it was like this, there was no way he can walk away, right....

Yan Jiahui sent a small prayer up to God. Or whoever was watching, like the peeping tom they are.

[Host, there is no way Yan Fanglong would kill you.]

[Yan Jiahui; Shh. The human will is fickle and odd.]

[System; ....] What did it do to get an overdramatic host....

The door creaked as Yan Jiahui opened it. In front of him, sitting at the desk and wearing a pair of glasses, was his older brother.

Internally, Yan Jiahui wept. Why can't all the guys be as handsome as this body's older brother???

Externally, he just stayed silent, keeping his head down meekly.

The soft sounds of the pen against paper stopped, as Yan Fanglong took in the sight of his younger brother.

...He did not change much, during his 5 year absence. Instead, it seemed as if he had gotten more fragile.

It hurt his heart, to know that his youngest brother had tried to kill himself, because of that one scum man.

The pen cracked, and Yan Jiahui flinched, as if scared.

....Yan Fanglong regrets. He regretted ever allowing Yan Jiahui to leave, he regretted the cold words he said to his younger siblings on that day.

But most of all, he regretted ever allowing Li Xian and Yan Jiahui to meet.

He threw the cracked pen away, and headed towards his younger brother. Yan Jiahui stood, frozen, several steps in front of the door.

He hesitated. Would Yan Jiahui ever forgive him?

Would Yan Jiahui even remember him, that was the question.


Yan Fanglong hugged Yan Jiahui, his tall stature practically dwarfing his younger brother. He ducked his head, and in a soft voice, murmured out.

"Xiao-Jia, I'm sorry...."


A soft whisper. Tentative and light, as if he was afraid.

"Xiao-Jia, you... you remember?"

Yan Jiahui frowned, opened his mouth to speak up, and then-

He clutched his head, whimpering at the pain.

"It hurts...."

"Xiao-Jia?! Are you alright?" Yan Fanglong fussed over his younger brother, the noise from the study alerting the wandering Yan Fangyi.

Yan Fangyi barged into the room, holding a tub of icecream in one hand and a big spoon in the other. "What's going on?! Brother, whats - is that Xiao-Jia?"

During the time Yan Fangyi was barging into the study, Yan Jiahui had already collapsed because of the pounding headache. He whimpered, clutching his head. "It hurts, make it... make it stop...."

[System: The host is a really great actor!]

[Yan Jiahui: Hehe. :) I just wanted to give the big brother a scare. LingLing, when can I meet my dear 'boyfriend'?]

[System: Uh, Li Xian still hasn't came home from his business trip. He still hasn't noticed that Yan Jiahui is no longer living with him.]


Thank god he's already acting to be in pain, this two elder brothers of his wouldn't notice any discreptancies if he grimaced. They'd just assume that he was grimacing out of pain.

Sighing mentally at this no-plot zero-brain totally horrible world that he was given, he proceeded to continue his act, not forgetting to faint.

As he fainted, he saw out of the corner of his eyes, Yan Fangyi's ice cream is on the floor, melting as they fussed over him...

Shit, now he felt guilty.

[Yan Jiahui: Alright, so where is Li Xian?]

[System: Coincidentally, he's in the same city as you right now. He'll be meeting an 'associate' at this high-end hotel.]

[Yan Jiahui: How come he's not aware that I'm not in our shared apartment?]

[System: Li Xian assumed that the original host would always stay with him, so he wasn't too cautious to put up guards around you.]

[Yan Jiahui: What a scum lover! Too arrogant and he thinks that his lover will still stay by him even when he cheats? He's lucky the original host was loyal and didn't go out that much! Or else I'll be having a harem right now!]

[System: Also Coincidentally, one of the Yan Clan's close family friend will be hosting a party for their daughter tomorrow at this high-end hotel. The Yan Clan is expected to be there.]

A close family friend... This sounds familiar. Don't tell me that the daughter is also wanting to have an affair with Li Xian? (๑・'▱´・๑)

[System: ... the young lady was the original host's best friend.]

NTR!??????? In this day and age?????

[System: Host.....]

This world sure is wild!!

[System: Host, please listen....]

The best friend is NTR-ing with the lover??? What kind of soap opera drama is this!! This is like one of those shitty soap opera plots!!

[System: sigh]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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