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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The steady noise of the machinery hooked to his arm filled the room.

He stared up at the ceiling. The familiar white greeted him.

How long has he been here? It seemed like ages.

With trembling arms, he supported himself and sat up.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The IV drip stand was dragged forward by his movement.

Just by this small movement, he was already tired.

Just then, the door creaked open. He turned his head, and saw-

A beautiful woman, peeking into the room.

(For some reason, he felt disappointed. An aching hole just opened up right where his heart was, leaving him empty and vacant.)

The beautiful woman's eyes were wide as she spotted him, sitting upright on the pristine white bed, dressed in hospital clothes. With nary a warning, her eyes watered, and she choked on a sob.

With hesitating movements, the door widened, and she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Hui'er... you..."

The words got stuck in her throat. She walked forward, one step at a time, and then, enveloped him into a hug.

All the while, he said nothing, staring blankly at the wall in front of him.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The steady noise resumes.


"It seems that he has amnesia."

The elderly doctor started. He observed the woman's reaction, and seeing no expressions, he hesitated to continue.

Good, her mind spoke. This jarred her - why would she think that it was good, of all things, for her baby brother to have amnesia?

...There was no need to pretend that she didn't know the reason. It was probably best for him that he would not remember....

Yan Lingjie glanced at her youngest brother, who was staring down at his lap.

"Why 'seems'?" Yan Fangyi, the third master of the Yan clan cut in.

The doctor froze. After a few seconds, he sighed. "...He refused to speak."

"And?" Yan Fangyi continued, disregarding the warning glance of his elder sister. "That doesn't mean he's amnesiac."

"Well," The old doctor was flustered. "We had tested every kinds of tests - and this hospital is funded by the Yan clan, there was no way that we will slack off on the treatment of the youngest master!"


"Yi'er. Enough." Yan Lingjie cast a sharp glare at him, and he withered almost immediately. Satisfied, she then turned to her youngest brother, who was looking at them curiously.

"..Hui'er." She called out. The young man looked at her and tilted his head, confused. "Do you know who we are?"

His head shook left and right. Her hands that were gripping his tightened. A furrow developed between her brows - a slight glint of satisfaction could be seen within her eyes.

Beside, Yan Fangyi was still interrogating the doctor.

"Well? What kind of accident was he in?" Being the second-youngest in the family, both of his elder siblings did not tell him much.

The doctor glanced at the silent Yan Lingjie, and seeing her nod, he launched into an explanation. "A car accident."

"A car accident?" He parroted, handsome features distorting into a frown. "Like, the car accident four months ago?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, the very same one."

"...Had anyone attempted to see him?" Yan Lingjie spoke up quietly.

"No," the doctor replied. "There was no one coming to visit him, except for the two of you and your older brother."

The two siblings shared a glance.

Allowing Yan Jiahui to leave the house all those years ago was a mistake. Look at him now, abandoned by the very same man he abandoned his clan for.

"If there's nothing else wrong with him, can we take him home?"

"Oh!" The doctor pushed his glasses up, and peered at them. "Well... yes, there is nothing wrong... Very well, he is safe to return home."

"Good," Yan Lingjie coolly intoned. She stood up, Yan Fangyi following suit. Yan Jiahui stood up as well, with the assistance of his older brother. "The payment will be transferred soon - at the end of today."

The doctor nodded, waving them away.


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