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Louis and Harry are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with their family and friends as all their children are very succesful on their own and all are married with families

"dad, pop" christina says"we need you to come to the dance floor and have a seat" and louis and harry do as they are told when they take their seat" alright us kids wanted to say somethings and there is 6 of us so everyone please bare with us, we will make it worth it"she says as everyone starts to laugh"well i am christina marie and i am technically am the oldest, i just want to says that i love you both and have been an inspiration to what i strive my marriage to be, see we kids never saw you argue so i guess we always thought that you had the perfect marriage and when Tony and I got married and had our first fight i went and told dad and that was when you confessed that you and pop do have argument but you chose to argue in your room and we kids never knew, i know that i tease my brothers and sisters that i am the favorite but i know that dad, pops you have always treated us as equals we all had the same rules and we all had to follow them and we were all punished the same, dad pops I love you both thank you for everything you have taught us about life and work, i wish you another 50 years of happiness" she says as she hands the microphone to scarlet

"hello, i am scarlet rose or rosie as everyone calls me, well dad pops, i want to say that when i found out i was pregnant with eddie at 17 i was scared petrified that i had let you down, but you were so suppotive and when eddie was born poppa you fell so in love with him and up to this day the relationship you have with my son is so amazing actually i love the relationship you have with all the grandkids it reminds me of when we were all little and you would play with us kids as dad would look at all the crazyness that we would cause like when we would slide down the banister and dad caught us and we ran up the stairs and dad just laughed and called grandma anne and she came over and yelled at him and he winked at us and we just laughed and grandma anne got so mad it was funny" scarlet says laughing as she hands the microphone to ben

"hello everyone i am Benjamin Edward, dad pops i'm gonna try to make this short since we are halfway thru, first of all i dont know how you all decided to have so many of us and managed not to loose any of us" ben says laughing

"we almost did but you found your way home" louis yells out

"hahaha very funny dad" ben says" well when i was 17 i made the dumbest mistake i could and dad and poppa taught me a lesson right quick, see i went home and told well demanded that i get a new car and my parents told me i had to come up with the $5,000 for the down payment and keep a job to pay for maintenance and up keep but i felt this sense of entitlement and told dad and poppa that we were rich and that i wanted a car, dad well we all know not to say stupid stuff and well i did and dad and pops told me that they are rich i didnt have anything and they took everything away from me , my phone, my ipad, tv xbox and even took the door off my room, they took my bank card and poppa only gave me $20 for the week, yeah that happened" ben says as everyone starts to laugh" i went to school the next day and told my friends hoping to get some sympathy but they just told me that they wished they had parents like mine, see their parents bought them their love with materialist things but my parents gave all of us their time, they spoiled us but yet kept us very grounded, dad pops thank you for everything you both have done for all of us" ben says as he hands the microphone to jakob

"good evening everyone, i am jakob william and i wanted to say dad poppa thank you for all of your love and support, i am well we kids are who we are because if you two, for some reason when i was ready to come out and announce i was gay i was scared petrified i had heard so many storys of how wrong things can go, but when i was about to tell you christina put on the song "HE LIKES BOYS" and you both just laughed at me but you were both so support and then when i told you that i had a boyfriend you both guessed noah and have supported us thru everything, like christina said you are the perfect example of what a marriage should be its not perfect but that is ok, neither is our family and that is what makes it perfect for me, and poppa the new gucci collection is on its way" jakob says as he hands the microphone to isabella

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