Chapter 2 Strike 3, I'm out

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Louis and Harry worked thru their problems and have moved past it all and now just happy to be together, in the last year, Louis had told Harry that he would quit his job and dedicate his time to being at home and hopefully one day start a family and Harry was happy but  soon Louis was getting bored so he started to help out Zayn at his art studio which Harry was ok with since Louis would be home before Harry and that was all that Harry wanted was for Louis to get home before him and not after, but about 3 months ago Louis started getting that nagging gut feeling again but this time Louis decided to be more aware of the signs, and decided that this time he would prepare himself for what ever may happen so instead of working at Zayns art studio he decided to get a job at a recording studio as the companies financial supervisor the positions gave him flexible hours so he could make sure that he would be home before Harry, he needed to make sure that no matter what happened he was financially secure.

Four months later, Louis and Harry were sitting having dinner and just talking about each others day

"baby, how about we take a trip to Italy next month for 2 weeks" Harry says

"yeah that sounds great, i'll just have to tell Zayn, so he can find someone to help whiles i'm away" louis says

"he still going to do his art exhibit thursday" Harry says

"yeah its going to be in the morning should be over by 4, so I'll be home with plenty of time for when you get home" Louis says

"who was that guy that you were talking to the other day when i called you" Harry says

"that was just one of Zayns clients, he wanted Zayn to create something for his new building he was doing" Louis lies it was actually his boss

"so is he still working at Disney animation"

"yeah, he tried to quit but they offered him more money so he stayed"

"and i know how much you like working with Zayn"

"well i really don't see him, i just do his bookkeeping and make sure that work gets done nothing to exciting" Louis says" so have you met with new client at the record label down the street from you"

"yeah we did but the way it looks is that they feel they are still to small but i just told them that when they are small is the best time because if they get sued it can financially ruin them better to be safe than sorry"

"yeah your right maybe they will change their minds hopefully not to late" Louis says "babe i been thinking when do you want to start a family, like try to have a baby"

"i'm ready now, if you are" harry says as he stands up" we can get start right here right now"

"you awful i swear" Louis says" always in the mood, you can say no"

"why would I say no to the most sexiest man alive and i have you, how lucky can one man get" Harry says as he starts to kiss louis

"jump, baby" harry says as louis jumps and wraps his legs around Harrys waist as harry makes his way to their bedroom and as Harry lays Louis down on the bed harry reaches for the bottle of lube and starts to kiss Louis again as louis reaches and starts to unbutton Harrys shirt and Harry takes off his shirt then takes off Louis shirt and pants and Harry takes his pants off and starts kissing louis all over his chest leaving love mark trails

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