CHAPTER 11 It's About Damn Time

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Its the day before the wedding and louis and harrys family decided that they will be keeping them apart to say that louis and harry were upset was an understatement but because this might be the only wedding that they will have louis and harry decided to play along with their families request, louis is as their home with the kids and harry is at Nialls house after the rehearsal dinner they all went home louis still trying to get everything organized soon they fall asleep louis missing Harry so louis decides to tease harry and take a picture of himself in a pair of white lace panties and writes under it"can't wait until the honeymoon" and send its and just like louis knew would happen harry calls him

"hey" louis says

"now i can't sleep what are you doing" harry says

"i'm in bed with a handsome green eye boy" louis says

"jakob" harry asks

"yeah didn't want to sleep alone" louis says as louis runs his fingers thru jakobs short hair " you know that i think he is going to have curly hair"

"me too, my green eye baby" harry says" you know i don't think i am going to get any sleep tonight feels weird not being next to you"

"i know but at least i have jakob, you should of taken ben with you" louis says

"i might go cuddle with Niall throw haillee off the bed" harry says as he starts laughing

"video tape it or just squeeze in the middle like the kids do when they want to sleep with us"

"i should it was their idea"

"ohh come on you know we deserve it, too" louis says "and its only for one night"

"yeah i know and they know we probably be having sex right now" harry says

"we would of, and tomorrow we finally get married in front of all our friends and family and then its just the two of us on our honeymoon" louis says" are you still not going to tell me where we are going"

"nope" harry says making sure to pop the "P" but i will tell you we wont run out of condoms and lube"

"well in that case let me show you what i got for you Mr Styles" louis says as he puts on a pair of red panties and takes a picture and send its

"jjeezzuus baby" harry says

"are you going to tell me" louis says

"NO" harry says laughing

"ok" louis says as he takes a picture of a green and blue lace pair and send its" how about now"

"you need to be strong harry you need to be strong" harry tells himself as louis starts to laugh"no"

'ok well keep this in mind" louis says" i will be wearing the white ones all day tomorrow"

"baby, that is not fair, i might have to find you and we might have to go for a quickie before the wedding and again after we are married"

"NOPE not until the honeymoon" louis teases

"uugghh then why did you send me all these pictures"

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