Chapter 10 Stronger

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three months later and been three days since louis due date and to say they are all anxious and waiting for baby jakob is an understatement all the adults are taking turns staying with louis as harry as been busier at his business but none the less Harry still does the majority of his work from home only going to the office when doing meetings and coming home as soon as they are done

"lou" harry yells out

"in the kitchen" louis says

"what are you doing your suppose to be laying down"  harry says "wheres Haillee"

"she was called into work when you texted me so i told her she could leave" louis says

"so what time is your appointment"

"an hours, i am so tired i want jakob out" louis says

" me too but we have to wait until he is ready and if he is anything like you he will take his sweet ass time" harry says

"always gotta make and entrance" louis says as they both laugh"let me get my shoes on and we can go"

"you wearing shoes or slip ons" harry asks

"slip ons" louis says as harry goes and gets them and louis puts them on

"come on lets go husband and if the baby behaves we can go for ice cream" harry says

"umm ice cr" louis says as he bend over"fuck"

"what wrong" harry says as a gush of water comes out of louis pants onto the floor

"maybe jakob doesn't want to share but wants his own cup" louis says

"what is all that mess"

"harry my water broke which means that i am in labor" louis says"go upstairs and get me some sweats and boxers and bring down the hospital bag i packed by the door" louis says calmly"i'll text niall liam zayn and haillee so they can pick up the kids after school and i'll text our moms" louis says calmly as he holds onto the counter in the kitchen and soon harry is coming down the stairs, louis tries to walk but he cant

"need help" harry says as louis nods and harry grabs onto him as louis takes off his pants and boxers and harry helps him out on new pair of boxers and sweats

"shit" louis says as he starts to calmly breathe" fuck, call the doctors office let them know i am in labor and going to the hospital" and harry does as he is told he is trying to stay calm but interbally he wants to cry and scream

"ok dr laura is going to meet us there lets go you want me to carry you" harry says

"no i need to walk but just hold me" louis says as harry picks up louis bags and wraps his arm around louis waist as they walk out of the house and harry puts louis into his car and harry starts driving to the hospital when they get there harry parks the car and gets louis out they walk in thru the emergency entrance and are immediately taken to  the labor and delivery floor and louis is given his own private room and is instructed to remove everything and put on a hospital gown he is them hooked up to everything he needs the nurse lets him know that the doctor will check up on him in a few minutes and just to rest" well i guess your days of sex with out condoms are over"

"booo, and just when i was enjoying it, may be in 8 weeks we can try for another one" harry says as louis starts to squeeze his hand and starts to breath

"yeah sure had i remembered this part when we were trying i would never have agreed to it" louis says

"aww all the fun is in making them" harry says

"yeah that is, shit hold my hand" louis says as he tries his hardest to breath" that is the fun part but the labor is where you regret your decision"

Follow Your Heart - Larry Stylinson mpregDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora