Start from the beginning

" Raven's flares will work."
Clarke scoffed and narrowed her eyes at the freckled face boy in front of her "Her radio would've worked better."

Bellamy decided to ignore the dig and focused on the task at hand "Have you seen Octavia?"
The blonde shrugged carelessly, not really caring about the brunette Blake "No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies."

Bellamy sighed and ran his calloused fingers through his curly black hair, his heart pounding in beat to the worry his eyes were omitting "Clarke, I've checked the camp. She's not here."

Clarke looked at the boy for a moment, assessing her choices before nodding slightly "Ok. I'll help you find her. Let's check again. You go to the dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents."

Bellamy looked at Gracie's mother gratefully and released a small "Thank you."

Clarke stopped in her tracks and turned on her heel a furious glare prominent on her pale face "Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Gracie. She would want Octavia to be safe"


Octavia woke up to find her supposedly dead niece staring at her with pure worry, Octavia couldn't help but inwardly smile, even after jumping off a cliff, sustaining life-threatening injuries, the small girl still put the health of others above her own.

"Aunt Tavia?" The younger Blake broke Octavia out of her thoughts, Octavia gave the girl a watery smile "Hey Gracie, I thought you were dead"

Gracie felt a small frown make its way up her face, and she clenched her bloody fists together "I thought I was to.." she let out with a small whimper.

Octavia grabbed her niece's hand and forced he to look at her "Mary-Grace Blake, how dare you think that you dying was the best option, it never is, your father was in over his head with his loss, everyone at camp was even Miller for God's sake! And me? I wanted to bring you back just so I could kill you myself for being so goddamn stupid!"

The girl in question had tears filling up her beautiful ocean eyes "I'm sorry Aunt Tavia"

Octavia glare softened and she loosened her grip on Gracie's fragile figure "Gracie it's okay, I'm sorry for shouting at you"

She then noticed Gracie looking around frightfully, her small eyes darting around the damp cave, the girl clashed her arms together around her injured knees and rocked backwards, Octavia could faintly hear her niece muttering "Screw you! I'm not afraid!" To herself.

And despite the situation Octavia couldn't stop the small grin on her face.


After agonising hours of pain, Gracie had fallen asleep due to the immense amount of blood she had lost.

The blonde was suddenly awoken by her Aunt attacking what seemed like a grounder, Gracie stayed still scared to her bones that the Grounder will come for her next. Unfortunately for her, the grounder seemed to hear the rattling of her chains. The grounder focused it attention on the scared child, yet it perplexed Gracie.

The grounder seemed to approach her with gentle steps and soft smile on his coco butter skin, he held his large hand out as if to coax the girl into his arms.

However he didn't get far, as Octavia struggled more in her chains shouting things like "Don't you dare touch her!" Eventually the girl successfuly hit the grounder in the head. Causing him to fall at Gracie's feet, the girl whimpered and pushed herself to the wall her eyes threatening to let tear falls.

Octavia looked at her niece in worry and was about to say something but was interrupted by the sound of feet entering the cave. Octavia immediately stiffened and Gracie began whimpering once more in fear it was another grounder.

Gracie refused to open her eyes and simply pushed herself father into the cave. hiding herself from whoever enter. She heard muffled voices but still refused to open her eyes

Gracie felt her Aunt Octavia day something "Bell! Wait I wasn't the only one here"
Octavia lowered her voice and softly coaxed her niece "C'mon Gracie it's safe"

Gracie reluctantly opened her eyes to which she was revealed to an almost dead Finn lying at her feet, the girl screamed and scrambled up running towards the exit of the cave only to come in contact with a hard chest



A/n: So I skipped the episode where raven comes in sorry but don't worry my babies will meet in the next chapter.

Gracie also unknowingly met Lincoln

I'm so happy to write their little moments

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I'm so happy to write their little moments.

A little bit of Bella in this chapter as well

I was re-watching season 3 of the 100 (btw my favourite season) trying to see how Gracie would fit into it. And although I love my husband (also known as Bellamy Blake) every time he speaks I'm like

 And although I love my husband (also known as Bellamy Blake) every time he speaks I'm like

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