Six - ( Art Gallery )

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"Y/n, heres the ticket to the art gallery your aunt will be opening this saturday." your mom said as she pushed the ticket to your direction.

You were having dinner at the moment and your parents wanted you to be present at the opening of the art gallery your aunt owns.

"Do i really have to go?" you whined cause you never really appreciated aesthetic stuffs.

"Yes you do honey. You know dad and i can't attend to support your aunt, right?" your mom explained.


"No buts, it would be embarrassing if none of us would go." your dad said sternly when you tried to reason out.

"And besides, it already has your name on it so you don't have any other choice." your dad added.

"Fine. Okay. I'd go." you sighed and continued to eat your meal.

Great. Now I'd have to deal with masterpieces for hours. you thought.

Your aunt has always been so great with her craft. And you're really happy that she was able to have her own gallery, at last.


It is now friday and you are still not prepared for tomorrow's event. You are currently alone at the university library to read something about modern arts cause you didn't want to be embarassed and be left behind for tomorrow.

When you successfully got your 1st book, you immediately sat and read it silently.

Though you hated arts, you surprisingly got so into the book you were reading.

"Gosh, am i really reading this??" you said while laughing to yourself.

You were actually shocked to like the contents so you got 2 more books which were quite interesting.

You were able to learn the basics and even the different types of how art is expressed.

"Wow...i didn't knew these weren't that bad" you were kinda really proud of yourself at that moment.

You were so into the moment when suddenly a group of guys caught your attention.

They were chuckling so hard, so you decided to check.

But then...

A guy with chestnut brown hair was staring at you with a soft smile plastered on his face.

You were taken aback and checked if he was looking at someone else but no one else was behind you. So you were actually sure he was looking at you.

You were kinda creeped out but decided to shrug it off and continued to read.

Uhm that guy is really creepy... you thought.

Should i just borrow these books and read them at home??

Ugh what does he want, for pete's sake?!

When you checked if he was still looking, you were shocked when you accidentally made eye contact which made you freak out a bit.

Oh f*ck. You mentally cursed.

You quickly stood up and returned all the books you used earlier and grabbed all your things and went immediately outside.

You were trying not to be awkward and all, but you were really shocked so yeah it freaked you out!!

You decided to leave as soon as possible when you heard that group's voices.

When you got home, you got a call from your aunt.

"Y/n! Your mom told me that you'll be coming at my gallery's opening tomorrow. I'm so happy that they were able to ask youu!" excitement can be heard from her voice.

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