I hobbled towards the sofa, feeling the pain in my stomach increase. I wiped away my remaining tears and sat on the sofa. I sighed, grabbing the television remote. I turned on the television and watched whatever was on the screen.

“Why can’t anyone be here,” I whispered to myself, trying to hold back my tears.

My mom is never home.

My dad is never home.

My friends never stop by anymore.

And Justin decided to leave me for an unknown reason.

“Nobody is ever here,” I whined. I looked around the empty house, feeling lonely. Why can’t my friends come over? I mean, it’s not like they’re doing anything important with their lives, considering they’re not even popular.

As if on cue, the door opened. I looked up, thinking it was the mailman. But to my surprise, it was Justin. “Oh, so look who decided to show up,” I spat. “Oh, um, I’m sorry,” he said with sympathy lacing his words. He walked into the room, with a shuffling noise following behind him. His hand was behind his back and he had a small smirk drawn on his face.

“What do you have behind your back?” I asked, giving him my scariest glare. “And can you please take that ugly bucket hat off!” I complained, feeling my eyes water again.

I hate this, why must I be so emotional?

He took his hat off and his smirk faded. “Why’re you crying?” he asked, confused. “I-I just don’t feel so well,” I whined, trying not to cry. “I went to the store to get you some shit – and someone almost noticed me, so please don’t be mad at me! Anyway, I got you some medicine, chocolate, movies, a heating pad, and popcorn.” He smiled.

“Oh and I got you these,” he said, holding up a bouquet of red roses. I gasped, feeling my cheeks heat up. “Y-You didn’t have t-to,” I stuttered, taking the flowers out of his hands, “but thank you.”

I admired the roses. Okay, maybe this day isn’t so bad.

He reached inside the plastic bag, trying to fish something out. He eventually pulled out a water bottle and a small container. He popped the lid off of the container and dumped some of the pills into his hands. He handed me two pills and the bottle of water.

I popped the pills into my mouth, swallowing them quickly. “I bought two movies: The Woman in Black and The Haunting in Connecticut,” he said, holding up the movies. I grabbed the movies from his hands. “Justin, why would you pick scary movies? I thought you’d get like chick flicks or a fun movie.” I laughed.

“These are fun movies,” he mused.

He can’t be serious.

“I’m not going to cuddle with you when I get scared, so don’t even try to pull that move on me,” I said, glaring at him. He chuckled, holding his hands up in defense and said, “I would never do such a thing.”

“I want to watch The Woman in Black first, then we can watch the other one.” I looked at him and he nodded, standing up from the couch. He made his way towards the television with the movie held firmly in his hands.

He put the movie in the DVD player and pressed play. He walked back and sat on the couch, staying completely silent. He looked emotionless and his smile was gone, and he stopped smirking. His mood suddenly changed. He didn’t look mad . . . he looked uneasy, but I’m not going to say anything.

Something seems off about him.


Question: Why is it such a big deal to wait 3-5 days for another chapter? I legit lost 500 readers and I’m most likely going to lose more. I work really damn hard on this story and it’s annoying how people stop reading just because I don’t update every other day. jfc.

And, Justin is not a badass, so I don’t know what gave y’all the idea that he is? Some people said I should’ve used a more badass picture of Justin for my edit. But Justin is like a psychotic nerd and he’s really quirky lol, I don’t even know. And plus, that picture was just an image of him just to show y’all what he looks like in my story. He’s not badass or a ‘rule-breaker’ at all.

Sorry for any typos.

Sorry, I’m just in a really pissy mood right now.

Beware for upcoming drama in the book, by the way.



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For next update.

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