A silent knock disrupts Negan on his moody aggression. He practically ignored the first few until the door was actually unlocked and opened. He whips his head to threaten the poor bastard coming him to piss the fuck off, but the poor bastard is the pretty Vix.

"Vix?" He said in shell shock.

"Hi, Negan." Her voice is silky and soft as she approaches him. "I came here to give some reasoning."

Before she could explain his expressions turn sour and grunted under his breath. "She needs to deal with her punishment-"

"I know she has to fix this on her own, Negan," she interrupts him, giving intense stares that were soft and yet fierce. "You two have been close in the couple of months, and I see her looking up to you. She knows what she has done and I hope you will see that for her. Please, consider on being respectful to her." She hands out a radio to him. He doesn't accepts it so she puts it down on his table. Giving more reassurance, she reaches for his gloves leather hand and squeezes, glancing up with desperate hope. "I didn't tell this to Mal, you have access to hear her and Alec speak to one another. She doesn't know you are hearing this. I'm giving it to you to understand this and sometime you forgive her and yourself and talk. I hope you give yourself to her, Negan."

Negan was silent for the past minutes, deep in thought that Vix can't tell from his aggressive angry carved in his face. He suddenly looks at Vix with soft hazel eyes, knowing that she made him think on the right decision between the loyalty of their partnership and relationship.

"I'll consider it for now," he mumbled.


Mal threw her clothes aggressively in her duffle bag, anger eliminating any pain that the movement caused. She wasn't angry with Negan, she was pissed at herself for getting that mad with him. It was incredibly unfair, she shouldn't have expected Negan to be the same, it didn't mean he was a bad person. It was what she'd been expecting, she didn't know why it was such a surprise to her that Negan would change when he knew. She stopped in her steps, taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself. She was being selfish, she knew it. Negan had every right to be pissed at her, she had hidden things from the man and did it for vengeance. He'd been so open about his past with Mal, he'd answered every question Mal had asked never hesitating. Mal, on the other hand, had never really told him anything about her own life. Guilt stabbed at her again, she shouldn't have been that harsh on him. She sat down on the bed, head in hands, as shame filled her. She'd fucked up again. Possibly ruined one of the best things that had ever happened to her.

A small knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, she turned to look at Alec, guilt swelling again at the sad look on his face.

"It's time to go," Alec said. "We'll drive then walk. Your friends are coming as well."

She stood there in silence, zipping up her bag before walking over to Alec. "Look, he's not wrong but he shouldn't be a dick to you, Mal."

"I don't want to talk about him."

"Here." He hands a radio to her. "Vix suggested it to me. If you're uncomfortable in staying in the town, call me or Bud or Rachael, maybe Negan. It's private so it's you and one of us."

"Thanks." Mal said, shifting further to Alec. Mal could feel the light heat as their arms brushed each other. She found herself leaning into the comfort of having Alec by her side and he wraps his arms around her.

"I'll try to knock some sense into the asshole." She rolled her eyes.

"Maybe kick his ass," she said with a pissy tone.

After she heads out into the front entrance her friends waited out by the truck. The kids glared at Mal; she did oblige to their anger. She made mistakes and is paying the price.

The gates open to the path into the forest, out to one of the Eleven Towns called Fairview. She heard stories of Negan dealing with a man who's the mayor named Gregory. A few Bounty Hunters make their trades and supplies to the town. Negan gave her an order, that's her payments. She has to investigate the town of something strange, about the KillGames. It struck her when she heard that name again.

How many more of them are there?

Alec starts the engine, and Mal gets in the back to see them going further away of the Sanctuary. The peak of the towers are appearing over the thick gates before she spots Negan by the watch guards.

She's sad of Negan not looking at her, back facing her and saluting the middle finger. It carved a big hateful pain into her heart, stinging as Sanctuary became smaller and farther away. Why she almost- ever- feel for the jackass? Her breathes become shallow, eyes starting to tear up. No, she can't be weak and be emotional on how he yelled at her, kicked her out, and how she is at fault of this. Yet, that knife piercing the heart never left the ride.

As she's far away from the Sanctuary, the forest swallowing the community where Mal can't see it anymore, Negan looks back, hoping she does see him being forgiving on her leave and she is not looking at him so he just watches her go and may not return.

The Ruins Part 2 (Sequel to The Ruins)Where stories live. Discover now