Chapter 29- Go after her

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry but I don't remember any of that." I tell her.

That's the thing. I do remember every single thing. I have to push you away. I need to protect my family and protect you.

I watch as tears form in her eyes. Just looking at her makes my chest hurt. I didn't want to do this. I want to tell her the real reason but I just can't. I don't want to risk anything.

Take a risk

That phrase keeps repeating in my head. I want to take it but I don't know if it's really worth it.

"Can everyone please leave. This is a private conversation!" She yelled for everyone to hear.

Once everyone left she turns her attention back towards me and I stare into her eyes.

"Look I don't care anymore. You don't care about me and I won't care about you. But I am about to tell you something that is important to me whether you want to believe me or not." She stares back into my eyes.

I do care about you

"I'm L-" she starts

"Hey baby." A voice cuts her off.

I look over and see Cadence coming up to me. She decided at the wrong time to come up to me is she serious. She starts coming closer and then all of a sudden she pulls me into a kiss. I hear Dallas say something and she starts to walk away.

I didn't comprehend anything that was happening. Cadence kept kissing me but I didn't kiss back. Once everything registered I pushed her off of me.

"What the hell Cadence." I said staring at her.

"Well it looked like you wanted to get away from her so I thought I would come and save the day." she says twirling her hair.

"Are you serious right now." I gave her a flat look and rolled my eyes.

"It's not like she's important. I mean you can always have me." Cadence comes closer to me and puts her hand on my chest.

"Get off of me." I grab her wrist and take it off of my chest. I begin walking away.

"Where are you going?" She shouts at me.

I pause for a minute and turn my head towards her.

"To take a risk." I simply says and start heading into the house.

I begin looking around for her. I needed to talk to her. She needed to talk to me but then Cadence blew it all. She was about to tell me something that seemed really important to her but I messed it all up.

I rush inside the house and look all over. I start asking people around if they have seen her and they all say the same thing. I need to find Dallas. I need to talk to her.

How could I be so stupid. Why would I even do that to her. She probably feels like she is worthless because we almost kissed and the day after I pretended like I didn't know who she was. She has every right to be angry with me right now.

I rush to the front of the house and go out into the front yard. I notice Ivan and Ryder standing there looking at the street. I quickly rush over to them.

"Please tell me you guys have seen Dallas." I say in a panic.

"Yeah, but you're too late." Ivan says weakly.

"Where is she?" I demanded.

Ryder points down the road. I assume he is pointing to her car. I bolt down the street to see if I can find her. A few seconds later I hear a car drive off and see Kennedie standing on the side walk.

"Was that Dallas?" I say coming up to her.

"Yes it was." She simply replies

"SHIT!" I yelled in frustration.

"Emilio calm down it's not a big deal." Kennedie informs me.

I snap my neck towards her and give her the dirtiest look.

"Calm down. Me, calm down? I just blew my chance and I messed everything up." I tell her.

"Emilio it's just some girl that you are going to get caught up with and she will ruin you. Get over her know or you will regret it later." Kennedie shrugs.

I can't believe that she really just said that out loud to me. She doesn't understand my life. She doesn't understand anything. Yeah, she knows that she is not suppose to be talking to Dallas either but she doesn't realize how much it has been hurting me.

"I can't believe you right now." I huff out.

"Emilio just listen to me and let her go!" Kennedie yelled.

"No I can't Kennedie. It's not that easy!" I yell and start walking back to the house.

I decided I've had enough of her and I need to go talk to Ivan and Ryder. I jog back to the house and see that Ivan and Ryder are still in the same spots as they were when I first saw them.

"She's gone." I tell them.

"We know." Ryder's voice cracks a little bit.

"What do we do?" Ryder asks.

"I don't really know. There's nothing that we can really do now. I blew it." I sigh putting my head down.

"Hey." Ivan puts his hand on my shoulder causing me to look at him.

"You are a Martinez and the last time I checked Martinez men don't just give up." he states.

"Ivan where are you trying to go with this?" I say.

"Look, I know that you messed up. Heck we all messed up but deep down I know that she still wants us in her life especially you. You can't just give up Emilio." Ivan says.

"There's nothing I can do. She probably hates me right now." I groaned.

"Go after her Emilio." Ivan says.

"But what if-" I start off.

"No buts or what ifs. Go after her." He demands.

And that's what I did.

I went after Dallas Scott.

So you got Emilio's POV on everything. Was this a good way to ignore Dallas? Why did he actually listen to Keith? How come Cadence kissed him when he was talking to Dallas? Was it planned? Kennedie knows that she is not allowed to speak to Dallas but why did she do it? Is she also apart of the gang too? Why did Ivan want Emilio to go after her? What does Kennedie have against Dallas? What will happen when Emilio goes after Dallas?
What will happen next?
Find out in...
I Punched Emilio Martinez

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