Jellal X Reader | Witch Hunt | Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Do you believe that all witches are evil?"

"[Name] wasn't," he mumbled almost immediately.

"Indeed she wasn't..." I agreed, placing a hand on the door. "Which is why you have to promise me this, to never forget that answer for as long as you live."

"What are you planning?"

"She didn't die," I found myself blurting out, silently apologising for going back on my word with her. "She lived and escaped to a nearby village. A few months after His Majesty gave this turf to me, I decided to use it to help those unfortunate girls to have been found out. She came to my Manor a year and a half ago, just like many before her. But unlike the rest, she couldn't bear the pain of leaving her life behind and asked me to wipe her memory. It will do you good to not bring that up and act naturally."

I watched his eyes widened with realisation, finally looking to me to confirm if what he believed I was implying was true. I nodded my head slightly and tapping on the door.

"She's behind here. I can help the two of you stay together for the rest of your lives,"

"You're a witch too then," Jellal muttered. I saw that he was resisting the urge to barge into the room. "Why would you help us?"

"I... need to repay my debt. I hope to absolve my sin. Tomorrow, the kingdom will no longer remember [Name] as a witch. They will remember her as my sister and your wife in the future,"

"What do you want in return?"

"I want your word that you'll never forget how magic can help you. I want your word that you at least will see that not all witches are evil," I answered confidently, outstretching my hand for him to shake.

"I give you my word," he promised me, taking my hand before walking through the now opened door.

I watched them from outside for a while, seeing the way her eyes lit up at the sight of him. I smiled at the sight of something so beautiful and pure. Something that I'll never have.

True love really is wondrous.

It's unfortunate that I'll no longer be able to experience something like that.

I turned away from the two of them when I found that my heart can no longer bear it. I reached up, wiping away a stray tear.

I was envious of their love... Perhaps I still am.

The sin of envy betrayed me before. But never again. I am not that nun anymore, but the Lady of this house.

I ended up outside the Manor and amongst the beautiful roses that he had once planted for me. I admired the flowers from afar, humming the all too familiar song underneath my breath.

"Love bounding through every hour, joy lights a new day,"

Sorry. I that I couldn't keep my promise.

"Penitence for your crime, Penitence for your life,"

Let history not repeat itself this time. I'll rewrite it at any cost. Even if it meant losing the last thing that he ever gave me.

I closed my eyes, slipping the beautiful diamond ring off my left ring finger. I should've done this ages ago. I should've done this as soon as he died. Maybe then this pain wouldn't hurt as much.

Forgive me, my love.

"A memory for a memory. My most valuable possession in exchange for the rewriting of [Name] [Surname]'s past," I muttered, holding out the ring in the chalk circle. The wind around me grew faster as a bright light gathered in my fists.

I opened my fist, letting the ring fall. As soon as it hit the ground, it disappeared, turning into a light that spread before fading.

I looked to the floor, glancing at my empty ring finger and placing my left hand on the heart.

I was disillusioned back then. I deserve this for it was my fault that it happened.

I was envious of them. Envious that they could experience love whilst I could never.

I am no hero, but the very villain that caused this outcome.

I lied. I accused [Name] of crimes that she never committed.

Yet... why am I crying? Why does it feel like he's died again?

How is it possible that it feels like my heart is being ripped out and stepped on all over again?

This is my repentance... I will watch their love blossom everyday while knowing that I'll never have it...

"Feel now the weight of death and lies..."

『 Witch Hunt - End 』

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