Chapter 8: I LOVE YOU 💗

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Male Narrator:
It's five o'clock and Scott is terrified. He had just been asked out by the most popular, handsome and charming boy in Ever After High!

Female Narrator:
Who is a beast now, but Scott doesn't care. His aunt, Beauty, Rosabella's mom, taught him that it's the inside that counts, not the outside.

So he enlists the help of his friends, Apple, Briar, Rosabella, Cerise, Ashlynn and Blondie to help him get ready for his first forever after DATE!

The girls are hexcited and pulled him into Apple and Raven's room.

"OK, girls! We have a lot of work to do, so make this beautiful boy right here, forever after spelltacular!!" announced Apple.

"Whoooooooooooo!" cheered Blondie.

"OK, Blondie, you do his hair. Ashlynn, shoes. Briar, accessories, aka jewelry. Rosabella, makeup. Cerise, keep him company and make sure that his teeth are picture-perfect. I'll do his clothes! All in!" squealed Apple.

The girls put hands together and screams: "Operation, make Scott hextremely hot for his first date is in motion, Whoooooooooooo!" while throwing their hands in the air!

The girls set to work. Blondie tries all different hairstyles on her friend, Briar brought all her entire jewelry boxes, Ashlynn bought all different kinds of shoes from The Glass Slipper, Apple goes through Scott's entire wardrobe, looking for the perfect outfit, Rosabella goes through her entire makeup kit, while Cerise entertained Scott with awesome stories while making sure that his teeth are super clean and that there aren't any pieces of food stuck in them.

Finally, they are finished.

"Well, bro take a look." smiled Briar.

Scott walked in front of the mirror and gasped. His fluffy brown/pink/purple hair is styled to perfection, he is wearing a black t-shirt with a blood red rose on it, sparkly purple skinny jeans with a matching sequin decorated purple belt, pink with thorn patterns knee-high boots, completed with a gorgeous rose necklace and a matching ring. His cousin had put on sparkly makeup on his face so he'll look bedazzled. He looks absolutely, spelltacular, hexcellently, gorgeous!

"Oh my crown! I look absolutely beautiful! Thank you all so much!" exclaimed Scott and running to give all his friends a big hug.

"You're royally welcome, Scott," smiled Apple.

Meanwhile, Daring's room...

Dexter, Hopper, Alistair, Humphrey, Sparrow and Hunter had just finished with Daring.

Daring was wearing a navy blue button-up long-sleeved shirt that says "RAWR!", with the sleeves rolled up, white jeans with a gold belt, completed with a white/gold leather jacket and his hair and fur is styled to perfection as always.

"You look RAWRSOME!" complimented Hunter.

"I agree," said Humphrey.

"You look totally awesome, YEAH, OHHH!!" sang/screamed Sparrow, playing his guitar.

"Scott will royally forget how to breathe when he sees you, Daring," added Hopper.

"Guys? Can we talk?" Daring began, "are you guys OK with me being gay?"

"Of course we are, Daring! You are still the same Daring Charming, except for the fact that you are a beast, no offense and you like dudes. So we still love you, man," smiled Hunter.

"Yeah, we do," added Dexter.

"Well, OK. Thanks guys. Because I'm literally freaking out! What if I mess things up?!" cried Daring.

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