Chapter 1

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Two years ago Bonnie's POV

Bonnie boarded the plane and put her carry on under the seat. As the plane took off to her first destination she couldn't help but feel guilty.

She hadn't even left a note. She had packed a carry on, donated all of her extra clothes, bought a plane ticket, and left.

But despite the guilt, relief overwhelmed her as she left Mystic Falls behind.

Damon's POV( 2 years ago)

"Come on witchy answer your phone," he muttered as the phone went straight to voicemail.

Damon walked back into the living room.

"Well?" Elena and Stefan asked in unison.

Damon rolled his eyes. "She didn't answer,"

Elena sighed and sat down. "We should drive over there."

Damon nodded and grabbed his keys. He turned back to Elena. "You coming?"

Elena grabbed Stefan's hand. "I'm going with Stefan," she muttered. Damon sighed and walked out.

Damon walked into the witches house and Stefan and Elena followed.

The house looked normal. Everything clean and spotless. Damon ran his hand over the binding of one of Bonnie's many grimoires.

"I'm going to go check her room," Elena said before walking up the stairs.

Stefan and Damon waited for Elena to come back down.

Damon looked around the kitchen before spotting Bonnie's phone and computer. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Why would she leave her phone?

Damon walked over and noticed that the computer was on. The screen showed directions to an airport.

Damon ran into the living room. He was about to say something but before he could Elena came running down the stairs.

"All of Bonnie's clothes are gone!" She said with worry.

Damon sat on the couch. The witch had left.

Bonnie's POV present time

Bonnie pulled her suitcase into her house. She sneezed from the dust that had coated her books and surfaces.

She hadn't been back to Mystic Falls since two years ago. She had definitely changed. She was more confident. She wasn't going to let anyone use her for her magic. She had learned to control expression. And her personality wasn't the only thing that was different. She had chopped her long hair off, ditched the bangs, and got a bob cut. It suited her and she felt older. She wasn't the naive school girl that did everything for everyone anymore. She was Bonnie freaking Bennett and she realized she should start acting like it.

She would be leaving soon enough anyway. She had to pick up a few things. She was going to go to college back home in Paris. She was going to be a singer.

But the college needed a whole bunch of legal stuff. She was going to have Matt send it over but it was also the five year anniversary of her grams death tomorrow.

She only hoped she wouldn't run into "team Salvatore."

A/N: I know I know I should be working on finishing the sequel to Kennett's Romeo and Juliet but this idea just popped in my head and I had to get it out! Expect this story to be updated pretty slowly because I need to finish two other stories first! Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it! Have a great day, I love you all!

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