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Dayo's POV

It's been an amazing 2 weeks, We wrapped up our Mok exam at the end of February. Then we were given 2 weeks break before we had to resume for 2 weeks of intensive revisions (That's a lot of 2 weeks ) to prepare us for our Waec and Neco, which means we will have no rest till we are done.
   I loved the 2 weeks break. I spent most of my time with Zainab, dating a family friend has it's advantages. I could spend as much time as I wanted at Zainab's without having to worry about her parents freaking out and vice versa.

Our parents are really cool with us dating, although we aren't allowed to stay in the same room alone for a long period of time. (Like if we really wanted to have sex they would be able to stop us.) And We will be dealt with if we fail our exams but other from that everything was cool.  Our Mums seemed the happiest.
  I also spent time with Shuaib chilling and having fun though he seemed distant. I  could tell something was  bothering him but he didn't want to talk about it so I didn't pressure him when he is ready he will talk. Unfortunately the holiday is over and its time to get back to school.

  It's Sunday being moving in day for us SS3 into the hotels.  As much as I hate school I'll admit I missed having fun with my classmates. It was 12:07pm when Dad Drove into the school compound and I could see that a lot of my mates were already around so as usual I was late. But before I could get out of the car my dad begun to talk. "Dayo I want to remind you how important this period is for you and your future (He has been telling me this ever since I got into senior secondary school)   "Listen don't get carried away with friends especially your girlfriend. You need to study hard especially Maths, find someone who is very good at it and get them too tutor you I'll pay if need be or would you prefer a teacher? 
I could never understand said teacher's they March into class write some equations on the board and start giving a lecture that always seemed to enter through my right ear and exit through the left. "No Dad, I'll Find someone to tutor me and there is no need to pay (most of them owe me money sef).  "That's good, remember hard work is key too success" with that being his closing remark He got out of the car.

Once we had gotten my bags out of the booth, (I had to carry both alone which trust me sucked) Dad and I walked too the patrons
office (Well he walked I was busy trying not too fall) where my things would be checked for contrabands  and Dad will sign the register for parents. 
The patrons (Male and Female) had a block too themselves. Right before the hostels kinda like how a security post is in front of a building. Only it was outside the Hostels gate.

There were 5 male and 5 female attendants sorting through students boxes when we got there. Luckily for me there weren't a lot of boxes left too be sorted. "Dayo be good, if you need anything go too Mr Emmanuel he will contact me or your Mum". " Okay Sir"  Then he signed the register and left.

  The attendants were so slow, They did more talking than checking but thank God they weren't serious about what they were supposed to be doing else they would have found my jar of nutella. Just like the boarders said you could sneak a gun through them.
Our school had no dress code for boarders so we could literally bring any Attire and my cardigan was thick enough too hide the Nutella in (We arent allowed to bring food stuffs and unfortunately Nutella is under that dumb rule).
After getting cleared (I feel so badass), I took my things and limped my way to the hostel.

  The hostels are two storey buildings, 2 buildings on the boys side, 2 on the girls side. The two sections are divided by a courtyard which also serves as the hangout region. It has benches where student's can sit, discuss and generally do teenage stuff. There were some couples being all lovey on some benches and some friends just chilling but I didn't see anyone I was close too so I just continued my walk or rather limp.

  Only 1 Hostel is open for the duration of our lesson, the Hostels were built too accommodate a maximum of 200 students each and we are only 76 so space would not be a problem. What would be a problem was the fact that the sight that greeted me in the boys common room was Shuaib getting beat up by Josh and his friends and no one was helping.

I will be writing shorter chapters but updating twice a week. I know this one isn't that good or interesting but I am trying to get back into the story I promise the next will be better and maybe longer.

Next update on Monday.

My last year in high school (#ProjectNigeria)Where stories live. Discover now