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Dedicated to Sylviaemilie12 am sorry I know I promised yesterday but here it is today enjoy

I love Chris Brown, like who doesn't?.
But not when two Mp3 players are blasting "Wake me up" directly into my ear at 7 in the morning!!.

"Turn it off!!" I yelled as I tried to cover my ears, only for me to fall off the bed while rolling.

"Haha Get up sleepy head.
we are almost late for school."

I was still trying to get my bearings when I noticed that my sister was Sitting at the edge of my bed, singing along to the music while typing on her phone.
"Turn it off" I said pointing at the Mp3 players still blasting music on my bed and giving me an headache.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" she asked with her devilish smile on her face. "What is your problem, why did you do that? "
My head hurt. it's like someone kept Chris Brown on repeat.
"Mum said I should wake you up, it's getting late and we are going together today."

"You couldn't wake me up like a normal person would."
"Where is the fun In that?" before I could think of a suitable response she walked out, leaving my door open even though she knows I hate that.
"At least she didn't hit me with a pillow today" I murmured trust me you don't want my sister anywhere close to you with a pillow in hand.

I grabbed my phone which was on my table and quickly checked my whatsapp for any new messages.

Princess:- Dayo I need your advice about something. I will tell you about it in school.

I reread the message like 5 times. someone has a crush on me ke? I checked whether she was online but unfortunately she hadn't logged in today, So I dropped my phone on the table .

As I was about to enter my bathroom when I noticed a piece of paper on my school bag then I realized I haven't given my dad the newsletter from school. Urgh I totally forgot (you can't blame me, he came back late from work and I was already asleep).

I just hope he hasn't left yet, he usually leaves at 7: 00 am life of a banker.
I peeped through my window and spotted his Hyandai Santa Fe still parked in the driveway.
Saying a quick thank you to the Lord. I dashed out of my room.

As I ran down the stairs with the newsletter in my hand, I could only think of one place he will be. Our house was a simple Two Storey building with 5 bedrooms(four upstairs one downstairs), Two parlors and under hously things I can't start describing. The only reason my dad would still be at home was if he was still eating and that means he would be In the dining.

Once again I said a quick thank you prayer to the Lord because sitting in his usual seat was my dad, drinking his morning cup of coffee while talking to my mum who also seemed ready for work and my sister Tope who was now listening to something hopefully music with her headphones and not 23 ways to cause pain with a sock.

How they were all already dressed for the day and I hadn't even had my bath yet I don't know story of my life
"Good morning Dad, Good morning Mommy" I said while prostrating

"Dayo why are you not yet dressed for school don't you know the time"my mum said

"Am sorry MA. I just wanted to show Dad this newsletter " I waved the letter at her while glaring at Tope who was snickering.

"What is the letter about? I hope you haven't gotten into any trouble at school"

"No Dad" Haba how can the first thing he thinks of is me in trouble. "OK let me see it" I handed it to him after a few minutes of reading the letter in which I had a slice of bread and mum left for work while Tope went to the parlor to watch TV grumbling about how late we are, even though she could go to school on her own.

My last year in high school (#ProjectNigeria)Where stories live. Discover now