Chapter Eight

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   Nearly as soon as Aria had been led to her chambers, she mechanically undressed and fell almost in a swoon onto the bed.  It was not until the next morning, as she awoke, that she truly took in what was to be her new boudoir.    

     She gasped.  The room was almost twice the size of the previous one, and madly lavish.  All the furniture seemed tipped in gold trimming.  A large, cream-colored settee lay against the far side of the room, and looked to be made of silk.  But Aria could not imagine anything to be softer than the bed she now lay on.

    The coverlets were of a warm satin, dark purple in color.  The four posts that held up the bed’s frame seemed to be made of a polished mahogany, with gold filigree delicately tracing floral patterns throughout.  A heavy golden fabric covered all but the end of the bed, blocking out most of the sunlight.

    Aria lay back, stunned.  Surely this was the best of all the bedchambers, given to her!  She shook her head.  No; of course she had not been given the best.  But now she could not imagine any other areas of the palace.  If this chamber she had been given was not the finest Versailles could offer, she was almost hesitant to think of what other extravagance it must have.

     Someone knocked at the door.  “May I come in, Mademoiselle?”

“Yes,” she replied, sitting straight up.

       A woman entered, followed by the young girl Aria had seen last night.  The young girl was precariously balancing a tray full of food.  Aria blinked rapidly.  The previous morning, she had been greeted the same way.  Yet this was Versailles.  Was such treatment the norm?

      The woman curtsied.  “How was your night, Mademoiselle?  Do you enjoy your chambers?”

“They are magnificent!  Thank you,” Aria replied.

      The woman smiled, and the younger one piped up.   “The Dauphin instructed that only the best be given to you, Mademoiselle.  I think he likes you.” 

    Gasping, the older woman quickly shushed her daughter.   She chuckled nervously.  “Forgive my daughter, please.  Marion is a malicious gossiper.”  She beamed, and gently rubbed the girl’s head.  “I shudder to think of what it will be like when she grows older.”

“What a lovely name, Madame.  May I ask yours?”

“Renée Cartier, Mademoiselle.  Thank you,” she responded, her cheeks flushing with pleasure.

      She began to busily draw back the bed’s curtains, letting in full sunlight.  The girl placed the tray on a large table that rested against one of the walls.  Aria moved the covers aside and cautiously stepped out of the bed.  She found the room even more lavish than she had originally thought.

     A large wardrobe covered one corner of the room.  A large bookshelf covered nearly half of one wall, overflowing with books of scripture, poetry, and wise sayings.  Aria nearly fainted away of shock, and pleasure. 

     Madame Cartier straightened the coverlets, and then gestured to the wardrobe.  “If you will search in there, Mademoiselle, I think you will find several gowns.  We have taken the liberty of preparing something for you to wear today.” 

    Sure enough, there were a multitude of dresses there.  One was placed on a hook near the front, in front of the others.  It was a dark blue gown.  Aria measured it against her body.  It seemed to fit perfectly.  She held it out for the maid to see.  “Is this it, Madame?”

“Yes,” she replied, smiling warmly. 

      The woman led Aria behind a partition, and helped her into her dress.   Before she did that, however, she brought out an iron corset, and proceeded to fit it on Aria.

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