Chapter Twelve

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   All of Versailles, and then several other noblemen, were gathered in one of King Louis’ main ballrooms.  They danced and chatted idly amongst themselves, some drinking glasses of fine wine.  An orchestra quietly played a gentle waltz, ignored for the most part by the gathering of nobility.     

      Such a scene was normal, for the Sun King was fond of celebrations.  But there was something different this night, for tonight was a masquerade!

      True, a masquerade was not rare.  But tonight, all was much grander than even the nobles of Versailles were accustomed to.  The gowns and coats of the men and women gathered there all blended together into a sparkling blur of lavish clothing and gleaming gems.  Masks adorned the faces of most everyone.

      Some had a theme to their dress.  Others simply wore the richest clothing they could find, along with a spectacular mask.  A few of the noblemen wore large masks that covered their whole faces, and others wore ones that only hid their eyes and noses.

      At that moment, nearly all of their eyes were drawn to the large staircase that occupied one side of the room.  A tall woman descended gracefully, seeming to float down the steps.  A smaller person escorted her.  But the eyes of those gathered were all for the person slowly walking towards them.  Even the orchestra seemed to pause to gaze at this newcomer.

     The woman was dressed in a gown of brilliant, gleaming white.  It seemed made up of layers upon layers of light silk, and rustled softly with each step.  Now and again, small glass shoes gleamed out from underneath the long skirt.  Gold embroidery decorated the edges of the woman’s gown. 

     Their eyes were drawn upwards, to the woman’s face.  A gleaming, snow-white mask adorned the woman’s pale face.  Gold trimming embellished the tips, and a cluster of sleek white feathers hung from one side.  Large, grey eyes stared out at the gathering of nobles.

      Then the spell broke.  They tore their eyes away from the figure and turned back to each other.  The orchestra struck up a lively tune, and people began to dance.  Some tried guessing the identity of the woman, but most returned to their own business.

        Aria quickly descended, her cheeks burning underneath the white mask.  Marion gripped her arm comfortingly.  “Enjoy, Mademoiselle,” she whispered.

       She smiled down at the young girl, now wearing a simple beige mask.  Marion looked as fine as any gathered there.  “Thank you, Marion.  Do not forget to do the same,” she whispered. 

     Upon reaching the floor, Aria was greeted by a tall, strongly-built man, wearing a fine satin coat and breeches.  He wore no mask, however, and Aria immediately recognized him, despite the large white wig he wore.  “Father!” she cried. 

      The Marquis de Jacques bowed, and took his daughter’s hand in his.  “You look stunning, ma chérie.  Your mother would be so proud of you,” he said warmly. 

     A far-off look came into his eyes, but he hurriedly chased it away.  He noticed a glimmer of gold on Aria’s finger.  “You wear her ring,” he observed.  

     Aria smiled down at the gold band.  “It seemed fitting.”

 She also wore his cross, he noticed.  But he said nothing, and bowed low before her.  “Would you honor me with this dance?”

     A gentle smile spread across her face, and she curtsied.  “The honor is all mine.”

     He led her to the main hall, where several other couples danced.  Marion watched them go, a broad smile on her face.  It was the first time that she had witnessed proper dancing.  The marquis held Aria very lightly, barely touching her.  But somehow they both knew what to do.  It was the most beautiful thing that the young girl had ever seen.

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