Chapter 14: New Girl In Town

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, where you at, cuz?" Mahogany presses the button on her car to unlock the doors.

"I'm at Natasha's, she's making me a wig, bitch. Imma call this one, Risk-Taker." She said sticking her tongue out.

"Show me." Maggie laughed.

Daina showed her the red wig, "I needed a smile on my face." Maggie frowned.

"Why, what happened?" D asked.

"D, my dad happened. He overheard mama talking to Aunty Ebony about Kain and I then he's here telling me that I can't be dating no boy. He asked how old Kain was but luckily, mama saved my ass from answering. I really don't want my father to know that I'm dealing with a man." Maggie twisted her lips to the side.

"He's gonna end up finding out someday, boo." Natasha yelled from the other side of her room.

"I know." Mahogany huffed.

After talking to Natasha and her cousin, Mahogany drove to Kain's house. She parked in his driveway and hopped out of his car. She noticed a girl standing at his door and he was busy talking to her. She began laughing and placing her hand over her mouth, giggling and shit which made Maggie a little concerned about what was being spoken about. What made it even worse was that this nigga was topless and was in his basketball shorts, you could see his print. Then, she saw Kain laughing and pulling on his chin hair too, licking his lips. As Maggie got closer, she could hear them flirting until she changed the subject.

"So, yeah, I'm having a party tonight. You know, a house warming party. You should definitely come along." She said batting her eyelashes.

"See the thing is, I'm taking my girlfriend out." Kain folded his arms.

"What? Really? You've got a girlfriend? Damn.." She chuckled.

"Sorry. I really wish we could've made it." He looked her up and down.

"Oh, don't worry, we can make it." Maggie stood behind the bitch.

The girl turned around and looked at Mahogany, "Oh..You're his girlfriend?" The girl pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, that's right." Maggie folded her arms.

"I'm Alice, I'm new here. And you are?" She put her hand out.

"Mahogany." Maggie plastered a fake smile that Kain could see right through.

"You live here with Kain?" She asked.

"Actually, I'm moving in real soon after I sort some shit out." Maggie went and stood beside Kain being petty as fuck.

"Wassup, baby?" She grinned and kissed Kain gently.

"Wassup?" He said and he felt her tongue slip and he furrowed his brow.

The kiss wasn't done until Mahogany pulled off, "Maggie.." Kain muttered.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Mahogany fake laughed and playfully pushed Kain before looking at Alice, "I just haven't seen my man all day today and I've been missing him.." Mahogany smiled whilst looking at Kain.

"Look, we'll be there at the party. We'll even go and buy you a nice gift." Mahogany lied straight through her teeth.

"There's no need. I'll uh...leave y'all to it. It was nice meeting you, Kain." Alice blushed a little before walking off.

"See you later on tonight." Kain waved.

Mahogany stood there looking pissed with her arms folded, "Man, what the fuck was that?" Kain sucked his teeth and walked into his house.

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