Chapter 7

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The three of us sat on the sofa watching a movie that Jackson insisted was the best one to come out, although I doubt it because all movies are the same nowadays anyway. I'm sat between Kelly and Jack on the long L shaped sofa huddled up underneath a thick blanket.

Just as the movie ended Jackson leapt over the back of the sofa and walked into the kitchen, "I'm goin' to make popcorn."

Kelly gestures to my glass, "want another drink?"

I nod and follow her into the kitchen where Jackson is standing by the microwave staring at his phone with a sad expression on his face. Kelly pours us another glass and we return back to the living room. Immediately as we are out of Jackson's line of hearing Kelly whispers, "Carly broke up with him."

"What? Why?" I said shocked, a month ago things between them seemed good. Carly was by Jackson's side through everything that happened with Kelly. Numerous times while I visited Kelly in the hospital I would see Carly by his side and she stayed with him all day.

"She says she found someone else, someone more mature," I shook my head in disbelief. Were her feelings for Jackson not real?

"They were together for a while and he was in love with her for crap's sake, did she feel nothing?"

Kelly shrugged, "I can't help but think about the times Jack protected me from guys who weren't good for me but I never did that for him."

"You can't blame yourself..." I began.

"-I don't blame myself, Sophia, I just feel like I could have seen who she really was from the start then he wouldn't mope around all day. You know today was the first day I've seen him walk into this house happy because he saw you," she laughed a little but it gave me an idea.

Jackson walked back into the living room carrying a big bowl of popcorn and handed it to me, "you're sitting in the middle so you hold the bowl."

I immediately passed the bowl to Kelly and stood in front of Jackson who had just sat down. He muttered a hey and stretched his arm over to his sister to retrieve some popcorn. I swatted his hand away playfully and then held it out to him, he looked at me confused. "You're taking me out in half an hour. I'm in the mood for dancing."


"No buts, you need cheering up and it's not like Kelly can go out clubbing. No offence Kells. So I'm your best bet. Now go and get changed." I pulled him up and pushed him gently toward the stairs. He rolled his eyes but I saw a small smile on his lips as he walked to his room.

"You don't mind do you?" I asked Kelly feeling bad that due to her still recovering from the wound she isn't allowed to do any physical exercise which involves dancing.

"Of course I don't, I wish I could come with you guys though but I think I'm going to ask Mason to come round and watch the sequel with me. I actually enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would."

"I'm gonna need a massive favour from you though," I grinned.

Kelly allowed me full access to her closet and told me to wear anything. She sat on her bed watching as I rummaged through her drawers and searched through the clothes hanging up.

"Oh my God, this is painful!" Kelly moaned and covered her face with her hands.

"What is, your stomach?" I turned around concerned.

"No watching you try and pick something to wear for the last 15 minutes!" Kelly slowly stood and walked over to the closet. I can tell that she is still in pain from the slowness of her walk and actions.

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